Chocolate paste

On the shelves of shops you can find a lot of different sweets, however the chocolate paste cooked at home will be much tastier and healthier. It is ideal for pancakes, fritters , as well as fillings for eclairs , tubes and baskets. Let's find out how to make chocolate pasta without dyes and stabilizers.

A simple recipe for chocolate pasta



In the high bowl of the blender we pour warm milk, pour the sugar and mix until completely dissolved and pour in the sunflower oil. Then whisk everything at maximum speed until thick. After that, add the cocoa, vanilla sugar and whisk again until smooth. We shift the finished chocolate paste into a separate bowl, put the crushed nuts and remove them for 40 minutes in the refrigerator. That's all, chocolate-nut paste is ready!

Homemade chocolate pasta with banana



So, to make a chocolate paste, clean bananas, mash with a blender in puree, add sugar and pour in the juice. Then carefully mix everything, put in a ladle, put on a weak fire and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring.

After that, spread the chocolate, broken into pieces and stir it until completely dissolved. Next, remove from the fire, pour the paste on the jars and leave to cool. Then again, beat the whole mass in the blender to make it smooth and homogeneous.

Chocolate paste made from condensed milk



Nuts are lightly fried in a hot frying pan, and then grind in a blender. Pour the butter into an aluminum saucepan and melt it over low heat. After that, add the chocolate bar broken into pieces and stir until it dissolves completely.

Fill in this mass of condensed milk, carefully mix, pour the flour and cocoa powder, crushing carefully all the formed lumps. Now put the paste on a small fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and remove from heat. When the treat is slightly cool, add the nuts, put the mass in a jar and put it in the refrigerator.

Chocolate paste with raspberries



Raspberry is washed, processed and grinded in a blender. Cream poured into a pitcher, put on a weak fire and bring, stirring, to a boil. Then add the chocolate broken into pieces and melt it. In the resulting mass, add crushed raspberries and mix whisk. We serve the paste in a cold or warm form.

Chocolate pasta with cottage cheese



Cottage cheese wipe through a sieve, add sour cream, break eggs, put vanillin, sugar to taste and mix well. Cream butter melt in a water bath, add chocolate and wait until it completely dissolves. When the resulting mass cools down, we spread the cottage cheese into it and whisk it all several times with a blender until it is homogeneous. After that, we shift the finished chocolate paste into clean jars, close the lids and clean it for a day in the refrigerator.