Inflammation of the cervix

Young sexually active women often face the diagnosis of "cervical inflammation". They are the most vulnerable group. The complexity of this disease consists in the possible absence of pronounced symptoms and, as a consequence, its transition to a chronic stage. On the types of cervical inflammation, signs of the disease and how to treat it, we'll talk about this article.

Inflammation of the cervical mucosa

Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process on the mucous cervix, the uterus is distinguished:

Causes of inflammation of the cervical mucosa

In most cases, inflammation of the cervix causes causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases, for example, gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonads and others. A little less often the disease is caused by the human papilloma virus, fungi, including the genus Candida.

Another cause of inflammation is mechanical injuries caused by:

Symptoms of cervical inflammation

Inflammation of the cervix in the acute stage can occur with concomitantly pronounced symptoms and with virtually complete absence. It depends on the type of pathogen. For example, with cervicitis provoked by chlamydia, there may be minor discharge of white, yellowish or completely transparent, sometimes dull or drawing pain.

With inflammation of the cervix, caused by gonorrhea, there are purulent discharge and acute pains are observed, which give in the lower back. In general, the nature of pain in inflammation of the cervix is ​​similar to menstrual.

Pain can also occur during intercourse and urination. After sexual acts, bloody discharge is characteristic. Suffer a frequent urge to urinate.

Inflammation of the cervix, not detected in time, flows into the chronic stage, the symptoms of the disease are weakly expressed or completely absent. The mucous neck is slowly thinned and destroyed.

Treatment of cervical inflammation

Preparations for the treatment of cervical inflammation are prescribed by a specialist, after establishing a definitive diagnosis and ascertaining the nature of the inflammation.

During the acute stage of the disease, treatment with local drugs is not carried out, since there is a risk of further ascent of the infection to the uterine region. In this case, the first stage of treatment is antibiotic therapy. If the inflammation is contagious, the drugs are prescribed for the woman's sexual partner. After the main symptoms are eliminated, they switch to local treatment and subsequent recovery of microflora and mucous neck.

From chronic inflammation of the neck of the uterus helps suppositories hormonal plan. They effectively restore the mucosa in places of inflammation.

With the development of erosion of the mucous neck, it is surgically treated. Among the main methods can be noted moxibustion, cryotherapy, laser therapy, as well as gentle methods of intervention for nulliparous women.

At the end of the treatment, for a while, the suppository release is possible, caused by the restoration of damaged tissues. If the inflammation of the cervix can not cure the consequences can be deplorable: from local erosion, to the formation of adhesive process, ectopic pregnancy and complete infertility.