Can I breastfeed my mother walnuts?

Walnut is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They are rich in organic acids and fiber. That is why this plant is called the tree of life. But the woman's body during breastfeeding is inclined to react negatively to many foods, and this immediately affects the child's well-being. We suggest to understand, whether it is possible to eat walnuts to nursing mothers.

This product will benefit the mother and her baby, primarily because it contains essential fatty amino acids. Walnut is rich in protein, which is so necessary and feeding woman, and her baby. Tannins and essential oils, which are present in sufficient quantities in nuts, favorably influence the nervous system of the baby, make it a sound and healthy sleep. Answering the question whether it is possible to breastfeed women walnuts, many pediatricians give a positive response and consider this product necessary in the diet of mothers.

Walnuts are still rich in ascorbic acid and increase immunity. Therefore, during a cold woman is useful to eat your favorite nuts. But still it is necessary to observe moderation when using this useful product.

How much can you eat walnuts for a nursing mother?

We want to note that the high content of protein in the kernels of the nut is the main reason why their use in breastfeeding should be limited. Protein in large quantities can trigger an allergic reaction in the baby. It is necessary to abandon the walnut if the woman has constipation, ulcer, colitis, a skin problem (for example, eczema, psoriasis) or an individual intolerance to this food product.

A healthy person should not eat more than 100 g of nuts per day. And how much can you eat a walnut for a nursing mother? A woman who breastfeed should be careful. First you need to try one nucleus and observe the reaction of the baby. If there is no negative impact on the body of the child, then you can afford to increase the number of your favorite nuts to 5 pieces per day.

Thus, answering the question whether it is possible for the nursing mother to take walnuts, we want to emphasize that it is reasonable to use them as a snack. Then this food will benefit you and your baby.