What vitamins are better for energy and vivacity?

The cause of chronic fatigue, drowsiness, loss of strength is often avitaminosis. To correct the situation, you should know what better to consume vitamins for energy and vivacity and in what form.

The main vitamins for energy for women

As a rule, the lack of biologically active substances, beautiful ladies are most strongly felt at the end of winter - early spring. But the spring sometimes you want to blossom really, to become more cheerful and beautiful. Therefore, many women are interested in the question of what vitamins to drink in the spring for energy.

The main source of strength in this period is vitamin C , it is responsible for the positive mood and heightened vitality. The next in the list is vitamin A, which is considered an excellent antioxidant, it literally rejuvenates the female body and makes you feel cheerful and energetic. Another important vitamin B1, which positively affects the state of the nervous system, relieving us of apathy and depression, drowsiness and delayed mental reactions. Another vitamin from group B is coenzyme R, or vitamin B7, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism and promotes the conversion of food compounds into energy. Vitamin D closes the list - it helps to quickly restore strength, is responsible for good blood circulation, due to which the organs are supplied with the necessary amount of oxygen and work with maximum efficiency.

In which products can you find vitamins to increase energy and tone?

To begin struggle with an avitaminosis costs with change of the food allowance. First, we will need as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible - natural sources of ascorbic acid and vitamin A. Secondly, the menu must include fatty marine fish, liver, eggs, dairy products - they contain vitamins D and vitamin B7. A vitamin B 1 is most in nuts, beans, bran.

Special vitamins for energy maintenance

You can also use vitamins for tonus and energy for women, presented in the form of special pharmaceutical complexes. The most popular among them are: