Nipple Cream

Very often, even before discharge from the hospital, women, most recently become mothers, face such a problem as a crack on the nipples . They give women constant discomfort and pain, especially during breastfeeding.

Causes of cracks in the nipples

Perhaps the main reason for the appearance of cracks in the nipples is the wrong capture of the baby's breasts. This is due to the fact that the mother incorrectly disposes of her child during feeding.

The second most common is staphylococcal or fungal infection, which is the result of improper breast care and hygiene disorders.

In some cases, there may be several reasons at once: infection, wrong capture, improper position during feeding, and so on.


To treat cracks in the nipples, as a rule, women use a variety of creams and ointments. Their effectiveness they determine after the start of use, or on the recommendation of girlfriends. The most commonly used is Avent Nipple Cream .

This drug is used for the first appearance of cracks, abrasions and promotes their rapid healing. Thanks to its nutrients elimination of cracks occurs in just a few days. Moreover, the cream can be used in pregnancy, which will only contribute to the preparation of the breast for the upcoming feeding.

The second cream, which allows you to get rid of cracks on the nipples, is PureLan 100 . Its composition includes lanolin, which was previously subjected to ultra-purification. Therefore, this product is completely natural and does not contain extraneous additives, impurities that can cause side reactions of the skin - itching and redness. Also feature of this tool is that it does not need to be removed, flushing before feeding. It's pretty convenient. In addition, this tool can be effective in preventing diaper rash in the baby.

An excellent tool for treating cracks in the nipples is the Mustela cream. Due to its unique composition, this agent promotes rapid healing of wounds and prevents the development of infectious diseases. In addition, the cream is absolutely not greasy and leaves no traces on the laundry. You can apply this remedy quite often. However, before each feeding it must be washed off.

Also in the fight against cracks in juices Bepanten ointment has proved to be very good. Possessing healing and anti-inflammatory effects, she copes quite well with the tasks assigned to her. Many women reported improvement on the second day of use.


As everyone knows, any pathology is better prevented than treated. The same can be said about the cracks on the nipples. To prevent their occurrence, a nursing woman must adhere to the following rules:

Even during pregnancy, a linen cloth should be placed in the bra, which will help coarsening the skin on the nipples and will avoid the appearance of cracks in the future.

Thus, adhering to the above rules, the mother will save herself from having to apply any cream or ointment when cracks appear on the nipples. However, in case of their appearance, it is better to consult a specialist doctor who will give recommendations on feeding and further prevention of the appearance of cracks.