Heartburn in the throat

Heartburn in the throat is familiar to almost everyone. Only in some people this unpleasant sensation happens extremely rarely, when suddenly they have abused fatty, fried, spicy or sour food or ate a lot of baking, while others are a constant companion. In the latter case, leaving symptoms of heartburn in the throat without attention does not work, because as with chronic heartburn a person feels not just a "lump in the throat," but a burning sensation accompanied by an unpleasant eructation and nausea.

What are the causes of heartburn in the throat?

Heartburn occurs when stomach acids suddenly begin to reverse up the esophagus, violating its neutral pH. This condition is present in many women in late pregnancy, even if before that they never experienced a feeling of heartburn. This phenomenon is within the norm. After all, the fruit weighs on your stomach and opens the protective valve, which is designed to prevent the flow of gastric juice into the esophagus.

Here, from what else in the throat is heartburn:

What if my throat feels heartburn?

If heartburn makes itself felt as a consequence of the underlying disease, then you need to treat the root cause. Sometimes it makes sense to take special medications, but their appointment should be done by a specialist, although antacids from heartburn are dispensed without a prescription:

Mezim and Lineks can also help.

Pharmacy funds are more likely to be needed when a person is constantly experiencing heartburn. In case of single cases or in the period of gestation, it is better to use:

Many future mothers are saved from heartburn with the help of ordinary sunflower seeds.

Soda is not the right way, but for lack of other tools at hand, it can be used as a solution (0.5-1 tsp per 250 ml of water).

The honey drink (2 items of l on a glass of warm water) is more useful, which it is necessary to drink slowly for 5 minutes in small sips.

If you had to use chalk, then it should be without the addition of foreign impurities and dyes. Chalk should be crushed into powder (about 1 tsp) and drink with a sufficient amount of water.