How to quickly get rid of herpes?

Herpes arises from the weakening of immunity. And although herpetic rashes, as a rule, are local in nature and do not cause a significant deterioration in health, but the appearance of vesicles and ulcers on the face is much upsetting, because these education spoil the appearance, thereby imposing limitations on the habitual way of life. Without targeted treatment, the healing process takes 7-10 days, and in order for the scars to disappear from the sores, a few more days are needed. We offer ways how to quickly get rid of herpes on the face.

How can I quickly get rid of herpes?

It is best not to allow the formation of herpetic vesicles or at least to reduce their amount to a minimum, reacting to the first symptoms of the disease. To guess that herpes has become aggravated by the following signs:

A quick way to get rid of herpes in this case is to lubricate the affected area with Zovirax , Acyclovir, Panavir and other ointments with an antiviral effect. In the absence of antiviral pharmaceuticals, you should regularly lubricate the possible location of bubbles with Corvalol, camphor alcohol or a tincture of valerian. While in field conditions for lubrication, you can use toothpaste or your own earwax.

How to quickly get rid of herpes on the chin?

Herpes on the chin appears rarely, much more often the bubbles are formed on the red border of the lips or near the nose. And to find the initial moment of the development of the disease in this case is difficult, since the skin in the region of the chin is less sensitive. Sometimes the appearance of a rash in the lower part of the face is accompanied by a dental or headache. This means that the virus has damaged the trigeminal nerve.

Along with antiviral ointments, you can lubricate sores on the chin with alcohol tinctures:

For the early healing of the rash, the skin of the chin is treated with the juice of colanchoe or aloe. Excellent help drugstore from eucalyptus - Chlorfillipt and Eucalyptin.

How to quickly get rid of herpes on the nose?

Herpes in the nasal region is easier to cure than infection of mucous membranes. To treat rashes on the nose, you can use any antiviral agent, tetracycline or zinc ointment. Best in the fight against herpes have proven aromatic oils:

Essential oils are powerful antiseptics, tk. contain tannins that have an antimicrobial effect. In addition, the aldehydes and ketones included in the oils have a regenerative effect.

Effective folk way - getting rid of herpetic bubbles with the help of regular matches. To do this, you need to lick the sulfur head and lubricate it with sores. The procedure should be repeated 5-6 times a day. Another popular method is applying a teaspoon to the herpes rashes, previously aged in boiling water.

Attention! Do not apply decorative cosmetics (powder, foundation, etc.) to the affected parts of the herpes, as some of their components can exacerbate the inflammatory process.

How to get rid of herpes very quickly?

In emergency situations, to eliminate herpes, you can inject cortisone directly into the place of the appearance of the blisters. Then it is possible to get rid of rashes within one or two days.

In any case, if herpes pour on the face several times a year, then this indicates a low immunity. That at an exacerbation the disease does not suffer from the question of how quickly to get rid of 1 day from herpes, we recommend that to strengthen the body's defenses take firming teas. This is especially true in the off-season. Healing tea can include the following additives: