Processing of polycarbonate greenhouses in autumn

Observe on your table fresh vegetables and greens all year round - this, of course, is wonderful. However, the prices for cucumbers, tomatoes, dill and parsley in winter are too high. An excellent solution - a greenhouse in the suburban area. In addition, for some truck farmers it serves as an additional and even the main source of income.

To harvest you happy, you need to look after not only the plants in the greenhouse, but also for herself. The best option is to dismantle the greenhouses for the winter, but this is not always possible. In this case, polycarbonate greenhouses need treatment in the autumn, which makes it possible to prepare for the next season.

Frankly, the autumn treatment of the greenhouse, which is carried out immediately after harvesting the last crop, is not needed for polycarbonate to "survive" the winter. The fact is that with the arrival of the spring for gardeners and so much trouble, and wasting time to process the greenhouse - irrational.

Fight against parasites

So, the treatment of the greenhouse after harvest begins with its purification from the remains of any vegetation. Also, remove all auxiliary devices, supports, harnesses used in this season. When the greenhouse is cleaned, carefully inspect the seams and joints on the polycarbonate. The fact is that small leaves can remain here, which in themselves do not represent threats, but are an excellent medium for reproduction and a comfortable wintering of various parasites. It is worth noting that modern high-quality greenhouses made of polycarbonate are made in such a way that there are practically no joints between the sheets, they are perfectly fitting. However, mindfulness does not hurt!

What if the pests were still noticed, than to treat the greenhouse for the winter to get rid of them? Most gardeners prefer to use sulfur balls. The main task is to use it correctly. Checker must be set on fire, putting it, of course, on a sheet of metal, and then tightly close the greenhouse. When sulfuric saber smolder, pure sulfuric gas is released into the air. This volatile substance has a harmful effect on pests. In addition, you do not need to be puzzled by the question of how to treat the fall of the greenhouse from fungus and mold. In minutes, fifty-seventy checkers will die down, but it's not worth hurrying to open the greenhouse. Leave it closed for at least a day. Since sulfuric gas is harmful for a person, do not enter it for a few more days after opening the greenhouse, but do not close the door. By the way, the treatment with sulfuric saber is useful in case it is necessary to protect the cellar from mold and pests before storing edible stocks there for the winter.

Soil cultivation

Taking care of the fall is necessary not only for the greenhouse, because polycarbonate shelter is only a protection, and plants need fertile and nutritious soil. Processing in the fall of soil in the greenhouse will improve its characteristics, and, consequently, increase the chances of obtaining a good harvest. You do not need to dig the ground, but be sure to cover it with the first fallen snow. Autumn the treatment of the soil in the greenhouse with snow will protect it from freezing. When the first warm spring days come, the snow will melt, and the well-moistened soil will warm up more quickly.

A common mistake for beginners is the fertilization of soil in the greenhouse with compost from the remains of vegetation collected in autumn. Even if you have not noticed signs of pests in the foliage, you can not lay it in a compost pit! Moisture and food availability are ideal conditions for microscopic larvae, which may in the future ruin your crop.

Also, in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, disinfection can be carried out in the spring .