Treatment of intestinal infection

Acute intestinal infections are a group of diseases characterized by a lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. As diseases, they are widespread, and in terms of the frequency of occurrence in humans are second only to respiratory diseases, so it is so important to know how the intestinal infection is transmitted to avoid infection.

Causes of intestinal infections

The main cause of infection is bacteria and viruses. They produce an enterotoxin - this is a poison that, when ingested into the intestine of a person, causes it to be poisoned. In most cases, intestinal infections are transmitted through food, water, and also through household items.

The most common bacteria and viruses that cause disease are:

All causative agents of intestinal infection have the ability to exist for a long time and even multiply in water, food and dirty hands.

Most bacteria are not normally dangerous to human health, they can live on its mucous membranes, skin, in the intestines, and if violations of immunity or weakening of the body begin to manifest. The viruses are parasites. They enter our cells and multiply, cause various diseases.

Symptoms of intestinal infection

Often the signs of an intestinal infection depend on its causative agent, but there are the main symptoms that are first manifested in any infection. These include:

Later, more dangerous signs appear: severe abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

Quite often there are chills, sweating and fever with intestinal infection. Intestinal bacterial infection requires immediate treatment, since the most dangerous consequence with it is dehydration. This is because, as with a liquid stool and vomiting, a person loses a large amount of moisture, as a result, the balance of potassium and sodium in the body is violated.

How to treat intestinal infection?

First of all, it should be noted that the treatment of intestinal infection should be of a complex nature. Along with the destruction of harmful microorganisms, the patient needs to restore the water balance and neutralize toxins. Therefore, first aid for intestinal infection should include enemotherapy and the adoption of special drugs - sorbents.

To know what medications for an intestinal infection should be given to a patient, it is important to determine which infection the patient has developed. This can be clarified in medical institutions through laboratory research. Before treating intestinal infection, the feces are analyzed. Bacterial infection can occur both in itself, so along with a viral disease, so the therapy of this disease necessarily includes antibiotics to rule out the appearance of negative consequences.

If the entero virus infection is caused by an enterovirus, then it is necessary to use general strengthening and antiviral drugs for its treatment. Therapy of intestinal infection in adults and children, which is caused by adenovirus and is accompanied by a sufficiently long intoxication and fever, should include recovery of electrolyte balance and temporary starvation, since food can lead to the development of bacteria.

Speaking about the prevention of acute intestinal infections, we can note several main recommendations: