What is useful for bran?

Bran is the favorite dish of all those who lose weight. And no wonder. This wonderful product has collected a maximum number of useful properties, which are known since ancient times.

First let's figure out what the product is. Bran is, in fact, waste, a by-product of cereal processing, which brings tremendous benefits to the body. By the way, in ancient times, bread was baked from bran, and not from white flour, because they do not cause any harm to health and figure.

Useful properties of bran

In the bran contains a lot of dietary fiber, the lack of which can cause such diseases as chronic colitis, diverticulosis and even hemorrhoids. Fibers, in turn, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, contribute to weight loss, remove excess cholesterol from the body and reduce the level of sugar in the blood.

Among other things, bran is rich in vitamins and trace elements, which are so necessary for the human body. B vitamins , vitamins A and E, potassium and magnesium, so necessary for our heart, copper, chrome, zinc and selenium. The product contains about 15% protein, which is so appreciated among athletes, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which take part in energy fat metabolism and are responsible for immunity.

Than useful bran for weight loss?

It's no secret that people who adhere to a diet, necessarily include in their diet is bran. Low-calorie product will never be deposited in the form of fat creases on your sides and hips. By the way, bran have the property of drowning the appetite and clearing the body of harmful slags, which is also beneficial to losing weight.

If you want to cleanse your body and reduce the volume of your body, try once a week to arrange a fasting day on bran. During the day, eat only prepared foods and drink more clean water, and the next day the arrow on the scales will confidently crawl down.