
The Indonesian Kalimantan , which occupies about 73% of the area of ​​the world's third largest island , is one of the most amazing places on the planet. The unique wild nature of this region attracts tens of thousands of tourists annually, and the local tropical forests are of scientific interest to researchers from different parts of the globe. Among the most visited attractions of the island, one of the main Indonesian national parks - Danau-Centarum deserves special attention, more about which you can read further.

Interesting information

Park Danau-Sentarum (Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum) is located in the heart of the island of Borneo, in the province of West Kalimantan, near the border with Malaysia . It is located in the upper tectonic basin of the Capua River, about 700 km from the delta. In 1982, a plot of 800 square meters. km received the status of a reserve, and 12 years later it was expanded to 1320 square meters. km and then declared a national park.

The Danau-Centarum lies at an altitude of 30-35 m above sea level, while the surrounding hills are about 700 m higher, which is why the park is periodically flooded with seasonal tropical showers. The driest months in this region and concurrently the most successful time for visiting the park is the period from July to September. As for the climate, all year round there is a sunny weather with average daily temperatures of +26 ... + 30 ° С.

Features of the reserve

The Danau-Centarum National Park is known primarily for its unusually rich animal and vegetable world. Impressive figures speak for themselves:

Among the entertainments in Danau-Sentarum, hiking and fishing are the most popular among travelers. Trekking will appeal not only to lovers of wildlife and walks in the fresh air, but also to tourists who want to get to know local people and their original culture . So, on the territory of the reserve there are 20 villages, where about 3000 people live. About 20,000 more aborigines settled in the Upper Basin of the Capua River, with almost 90% of them Malaysian fishermen who greet foreigners cordially and gladly provide them with the necessary fishing gear.

How to get there?

The Danau-Centarum National Park is a real pearl of Western Kalimantan, and therefore the trip here should be carefully planned. Most tourists choose a less complicated route and reserve a tour of the reserve in one of the local agencies. The cost of such an excursion is usually not more than $ 50. from the person (including the entrance ticket, 11 cu, and escort of the guide). You can also reach the park by yourself:

  1. From Nang-Suhaid. Having landed at the airport of Pontianaka (the capital of Western Kalimantan), immediately purchase tickets for the plane or bus to Putusibau (the nearest city to the park). Arriving, change to a speedboat, which will take you to the entrance to the park. The trip will take about 5 hours.
  2. From Lanyaka. This entrance to Danau-Centarum is located directly on the north-eastern outskirts of the reserve and is easily reached from Putusibau in 3 hours. Here is the main office of the park, where you can get permission to visit and buy tickets. In addition, on the territory of Lianyaka there are 3 mini-hotels, in which tourists can stay.