Signs of a mental disorder

It is psychic personality disorders that are considered to be the dominant psychological problem of our century. However strange it may sound, long protracted depression is a common occurrence. Proceeding from this, knowing the signs of mental disorders, it is better to prevent their appearance or detect at an early stage of development than to face their neglected form.

The first signs of a mental disorder

  1. Manifestation of hallucinations (auditory and visual). They are expressed in the conversations of the person with herself, in her answers to the questions of a non-existent person.
  2. Sometimes mental disorders make themselves felt in the form of causeless laughter, it is difficult for an individual to concentrate on the task or topic of discussion.
  3. The environment gives the impression that a person hears, sees what others can not catch.
  4. There are changes in the behavior of a person in relation to his relatives, a variant of manifestation of sudden hostility is not excluded.
  5. A mentally ill person can express phrases of delusional content (for example, "I'm to blame for everything, all the sins of this world are on me," etc.).
  6. There is protection, expressed in the form of locking all the doors in the house, shading the windows.
  7. Each piece of food is carefully checked or completely discarded from the meal.

Signs of a mental disorder in women

  1. Attacks of overeating, resulting in obesity. Do not rule out the option of refusing food.
  2. Alcohol abuse, the emergence of alcohol dependence.
  3. The development of various phobias.
  4. Violation of sexual functions, work capacity.
  5. Increased irritability.
  6. Complaints about insomnia , headaches, fatigue, depression.
  7. Irritation, regarding music, light, sounds.
  8. Feeling of anxiety, fear.

Signs of mental disorder in men

Men more often than women of the fair sex suffer from mental disorders, besides, in this situation they behave more aggressively:

  1. In appearance, there is inaccuracy. For a long time not to bathe, not to shave - this is common for a mentally unhealthy person. It is not ruled out that she will explain this behavior like: "Clothes are not the first thing in life."
  2. The mood changes very quickly. Such people are capable, as if almost squealing with joy, and fall into hysterics.
  3. Jealousy that crosses all boundaries.
  4. The accusation of the world around him in all his problems.
  5. Closed.
  6. Humiliation, insulting one's interlocutor during a conversation.
  7. Tenderness.