Fir oil for coughing

Fir oil is obtained by distillation from young shoots, bumps and needles. The agent is a highly volatile liquid with a rich smell of needles. Due to a number of healing properties and rich composition, fir oil is traditionally used for colds.

The healing properties of fir oil

Fir oil exerts a tonic, antiseptic, restorative, expectorant and soothing effect, and improves peripheral circulation. That is why fir oil is indispensable for coughing caused by acute or chronic bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia.

Fir oil serves as an excellent preventive agent in the period of epidemics of ARVI and influenza. Also, the drug is used for rheumatism, hypertension, inflammation of the urogenital system, various infections. In cosmetology, fir oil serves as a rejuvenating agent, eliminating the first signs of skin aging. In aromatherapy, fir oil is used to treat insomnia, stress, and neuroses.

Methods of application

  1. With a strong cough fir oil is applied to the root of the tongue (1-2 drops). The product must be diluted with olive oil or sunflower oil. After this procedure, coughing attacks go through a couple of days.
  2. For pneumonia and bronchitis, inhalations with fir oil are indicated. In a bowl of hot water, add 2 to 3 drops of the drug. Above the fragrant steam you need to breathe deeply until the water cools. It is better to cover yourself with a towel, placing the head under its floors so that the steam does not come out. If during an inhalation attack of a cough begins - you need to clear your throat and continue the procedure. You can do inhalations twice a day until recovery.
  3. With angina, fir oil should be daily lubricated with tonsils, wrapping the cotton wool soaked in the preparation on a long tweezers or clamp. Due to its antiseptic properties, the drug kills bacteria and relieves inflammation.
  4. Effectively fir oil with a cold - treatment means instillation of the drug into each nostril (1 drop).
  5. Baths with 6-7 drops of fir oil are shown with aches in the joints and the first signs of a cold. The procedure is contraindicated at elevated body temperature.

Fir tree oil for children

When treating colds in children, fir oil is indispensable - the drug is completely natural, smells good, quickly eliminates cough and runny nose.

Curing the baby, you can apply the above methods, only in the water for inhalation, along with fir oil should be added a sage broth. The procedure is performed an hour and a half after meals, and after inhalation for an hour you can not eat and talk.

You can add 3 - 5 drops of fir oil in the water, in which the baby hovers legs. Hot baths for colds are good for the hands. A warm water with the addition of 1 - 2 drops of the drug baby can gargle.

Attention! Fir oil is used for children over 3 years old!

Fir oil for prevention

During the outbreak of acute respiratory viral infection and flu epidemic, it is effective to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with fir oil. The agent will successfully replace oxolin ointment.

To decontaminate the room, fir oil should be added to the aromatic lamp - the phytoncides contained in the preparation will eliminate all the viruses that "fly" in the room.

Be careful!

Fir oil has contraindications and is a very concentrated preparation, so before using it (by instillation) it should be diluted with other vegetable oil, following the dosages specified in the instructions.

Before the first use, it is necessary to apply a droplet of the drug on the skin and inhale its odor. If there are no signs of allergy within a few hours, the remedy can be used. Children give oil only to smell, applying a couple of drops on a bandage or cotton wool.

Contaminated fir oil during pregnancy and lactation, epilepsy, propensity to develop seizures, individual intolerance.