How to learn to restrain emotions?

Increased emotionality is inherent and natural in children and adolescents, but in an adult it often looks ridiculous and interferes with coping with work tasks. The question of how to learn to restrain emotions often becomes urgent for people who are overly sensitive becomes a serious obstacle in their professional and personal lives.

How to learn to contain your negative emotions?

The cause of negative emotions are anger, irritation, resentment, fear, anxiety, the strength and impact of these negative feelings can not be neglected. Their danger lies in the growth and accumulation, which in the end can lead to fatal consequences. From harmless irritation to a state of affect is not so far away as it seems at first glance.

Answering the question of how to be restrained in emotions, it is important not to confuse management and control with suppression of feelings. This approach is fraught with dangerous and even fatal consequences in the form of depression and psychosomatic diseases. A distinctive feature of suppression of feelings is an attempt to forget, and therefore simply to drive negative feelings inside. Controlling your emotional state is to either prevent a negative or switch to positive in a timely manner.

For most people to produce and accumulate negative emotions - it's just a habit. However, the manner to express their feelings and react sharply to unpleasant situations begins to affect negatively both on work and on personal life.

In psychology, there are many techniques, how to learn to restrain emotions. The algorithm for managing your feelings consists of these aspects:

  1. The realization that emotion carries a powerful energy . In many people, out of indignation or anger, they catch their breath, pour themselves with the weight of their hands, etc. There is a need to splash out this squeezing negative.
  2. Change in the direction of physiological processes in the body . If you want to scream, crash or cry, you need to quickly switch to rough physical work. Someone is helped by a general cleaning of the apartment, another push-up. In any case, the load on the muscles helps to move away from the problem.
  3. Manage the internal dialogue . It is the developed ability to switch energy from negative to positive. In the technique of NLP there is such a technique - remembering a comfortable and joyful state with fixing a certain action in memory. If you feel good and have a good mood , rub your right ear. And so repeat every time you have a positive mood. At the subconscious level, you will develop a reaction to rubbing the right ear and each time this action your brain will switch to a familiar state. This technique can be practiced with a certain phrase.
  4. Emotional unloading . Here we have in mind interesting and useful activities that help to abstract from negative situations. These include sports training, meditation, yoga practices, reading, walking.

It takes time and practice to master these techniques. If the question arises, how to restrain emotions at work, then similar principles work. Feeling a rush of anger or irritation, get out of the room, rinse your face with cold water, alternately take a few deep breaths, and then hold your breath. All these actions will help physiologically switch your body to other reactions.

Stormy clarifications and quarrels are not the best helpers in your personal life. Thinking about how to contain your emotions in a relationship, it is worth noting the importance of dialogue. Any conflict and misunderstanding in the family can be solved in a calm conversation. Invite your half to talk quietly and find out what kind of claims you have against each other. This will help you find a compromise solution.

Try to look at yourself through the eyes of an outside observer and appreciate the external manifestation of your feelings . This method can serve as an excellent motivation for working on yourself.