Itching during pregnancy

The onset of pregnancy entails a number of significant changes in the body of a future mother. A woman becomes more sensitive to both internal changes and external influences. And one of the possible unpleasant sensations during pregnancy is severe itching of the skin. He can appear at any time, more worried at night, when there are no thoughts and affairs distracting the woman. The localization of the itch is different. Most often during pregnancy, itchy breasts, stomach, arms, legs, and it can also occur in the vagina.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, severe itching of the skin can be a symptom of cholestasis (stagnation of bile). It differs from usual itching by localization (palms, feet), lack of rash, coloring of urine in dark color, and feces in light. If you have these symptoms, you need to seek treatment for a gynecologist. If necessary, the doctor can even recommend the stimulation of preterm labor.

Sometimes on the hips, on the abdomen (especially in the area of ​​stretch marks), there may be a red rash, which is accompanied by itching. This is polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women. It is harmless, although it does not feel comfortable. Itching of the abdomen during pregnancy is associated with the stretching of the skin due to the rapid growth of the uterus. In this situation, you can use special creams from stretch marks, steroid ointments. Under the influence of the cream, the skin becomes more moist and elastic, the itching decreases. After childbirth, the itch completely disappears.

Itching in the vagina during pregnancy

The pregnant woman has vaginal secretion, which is a favorable environment for the development of microbial flora. If the picture is accompanied by thrush and other fungal diseases that often occur during pregnancy, itching in the vagina and in the clitoral area can be very intense and cause a lot of inconvenience. Infection of the genital tract, especially during pregnancy can be very dangerous. Her treatment should deal with a gynecologist.

To prevent the occurrence of vaginal itching during pregnancy, try to treat all existing chronic diseases of the female genital area at the planning stage of conception. Limit the use of alcohol, exclude smoking, organize a balanced diet, try to avoid severe stress.

How can you reduce itching during pregnancy?

It is very important not to miss skin diseases accompanied by itching, which are not related to pregnancy, and can be contagious to others (eg scabies). Therefore, regardless of the cause of pruritus that occurs during pregnancy, treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.