Is it possible to walk with a child when coughing?

Young children often catch cold and coughing is not uncommon. Sometimes the cold passes quickly, and sometimes it also happens that the illness is prolonged and the coughs can not be seen. Concerned mothers in this situation are wondering - is it possible to walk with the child when coughing, especially in winter.

This question can not be answered unambiguously, since everything depends on the stage of the baby's illness, the presence of other complicating factors, and weather conditions. With experience, mom herself will understand whether to walk with the child when coughing, just watching his condition.

Medical recommendations in this regard are different - some advise to refrain from walking at any time of year until full recovery and observe bed rest, and others on the contrary - recommend that the baby move as actively as possible and go to fresh air at the earliest opportunity.

Wet and dry

Mom is most interested in whether you can walk a child with a damp cough , because when dry it is even recommended. In fact, both types of the disease of the upper respiratory tract require intensive moistening of the mucosa.

That is, the body should get as much moisture as possible in any form - drinking, soups, inhalation , humidifying the air in the room, walking. This is to ensure that the sputum, which withers and causes a cough, is moistened, swollen and coughs up efficiently.

If the mother noticed that during the walk the moist cough increased - this is a good indicator that soon the body will be cleansed of unnecessary products of vital activity.

During summer walks, it is recommended to take water with you, dopaivaya child regardless of age, because the heat is intense evaporation of moisture from the body, a coughing child does not need it, especially with a dry cough.

Winter and summer

When the baby has no temperature, but behind the chest cage rattles and gurgling sounds are clearly heard, and the child has a strong cough, parents do not know if you can walk during this period.

The answer to the disturbing question will be the calendar and the street thermometer - if in the courtyard the cold gusty wind, and the column of the thermometer dropped below -5 ° C, then such weather is unlikely to benefit the child.

But this does not mean that you can never walk with a cough in winter. At a similar temperature, but sunny and windless weather, short-term half-hour walks at a calm pace are even shown. But mum should watch, that the child did not run too actively and from it did not sweat.

Residual cough, which can last several weeks after the disease, is not a reason to refuse walking. On the contrary, cold air positively affects the mucous membrane of the throat and nose, exerting a hardening effect, but again, only good weather is involved. But to abandon a large concentration of children on the sites is simply necessary - unnecessary microbes now to anything weakened by the disease organism.

Old-school doctors recommend feeding the child in winter with the maximum amount of fats that protect the respiratory system from the negative effects of cold. Immediately before going out to the cold weather, it is advised to eat a teaspoon of butter.

In the summer, you can walk with a child when you cough, if the baby does not have a high fever. If it is increased slightly, slightly above 37 ° C, then it is necessary to limit the motor activity of the child and make a normal walking tour.

During movement, the bronchopulmonary system is ventilated much better than it does then, when the child is kept on bed. It can be justified only if the temperature is very high.

As for the off-season - spring and autumn, the recommendations will be more relevant to winter - if the weather is good, you can walk, and if rainy, with a piercing wind, it is better to wait for its improvement, replacing the walk with intensive airing the room.

It is very important that during the walk the coughing baby is not dressed in one hundred clothes, but could move freely and not overheat, because such a violation of thermoregulation is much more harmful to health than moderate coolness.