Diseases of Coral parrots - the main symptoms and treatment

Often, the diseases of the Corellian parrots arise from the carelessness of the owners - mistakes in feeding the bird, deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the food, low activity of the bird, its content in the draft. Many diseases are caused by infection with viruses, parasites, infections. There are troubles in keeping birds and their injuries.

Diseases of the Corella parrot at home

In general, the cocks suffer little, but if this happens, it is important to notice the wrong in time and begin treatment. When the behavior or appearance of the bird causes fear, it must be examined and followed by breathing, appetite, activity. On the sickness of the coral, such signs are signaled:

Diarrhea in Cornella

Liquid chair - one of the most frequent ailments of the parrot. The reasons for its appearance: poor-quality feeding, penetration of microbes into the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea in a corolla - than to treat:

Constipation in Cornella

Due to ingress of internal parasites into the digestive area or eating low-grade food, the coral parrot disease and constipation symptoms progress in obese birds. At the same time the bird defecates with considerable effort, crouching and shaking its tail. The treatment of this ailment consists in introducing 2-3 drops of vegetable oil into the anus in the anus and taking 3-4 drops of castor oil through the beak.

Paraty's avitaminosis

Unbalanced and monotonous diet of the parrot leads to a decrease in the body's defenses, to the disease of beriberi's beriberi, and its symptoms are noticeable:

The disease leads to rickets, fragility of the beak, abscess of the skin, respiratory tract infection, stopping of feather growth, digestive function and reproduction. The treatment of avitaminosis in Corellian parrots consists in an urgent nutritional balance. Birds should be given a lot of greenery, fruits, include in the diet of vitamin preparations. It is good to place in the cells a bark of deciduous trees, rowan berries, sprouted cereal grains. In the food recommended to drip fish oil, put the house in the sun for 40-60 minutes a day. In the menu must appear cottage cheese, eggs, in the summer - blackcurrant juice.

Moulting parrots of Corella

Normal molting in parrots takes place 1-2 times a year and lasts 3-4 weeks. After it, there should be no exposed scraps on the skin. If the change of feathers is delayed, this indicates that it is necessary to enrich the parrot portion with vitamins and minerals. What should be given to the coral during shedding:

Vitamins help restore the plumage of the pet. Spraying of corella with chamomile broth helps to remove irritation of the skin. There is a shock in the bird from molting stress, changing conditions, fright - feathers fall out in beams, body temperature is lowered. To Corell calmed down, it must be carried to a quiet place, close and do not disturb for several hours. To avoid colds, ensure heating with a lamp.

Poisoning of a parrot

A bird can get sick from a stale food or liquid. Signs of poisoning the parrot - he refuses to eat, sits ruffled, there is diarrhea. Pet suffers from hysterectomy, therapy should be carried out sooner, otherwise the coral can die. The bird needs to feed 2 tablets of activated charcoal and 1 ts of soda, dissolving them in a weakly pink solution of magranzovka.

Therapeutic composition is given at the rate of 1 ml per 150 grams of weight, instilled in a beak from a pipette. For a general strengthening of the body, you can pour a strong syringe into your mouth. To cleanse the poisonous substances, the pet is given 3-4 drops of mucous decoction of flaxseed. If the body temperature of the bird is lowered, the bird can be warmed under an infrared lamp, covering the cage with matter.

Diseases of the eyes of the corella

Eye diseases in Corellia parrots occur frequently. The reason lies in the common cold, infection, inflammation, which can lead even to the bird's blindness. It is important to pay attention in time to signs of the disease of the corolla: the eyes become cloudy, fade, do not shine, pus, crusts form, the bird squints and closes. The most common eye diseases:

  1. Inflammation. The cause may be falling of a feather, dust, acrid smoke (tobacco, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide). Inflamed eyes are treated with: albucid, diluted 1: 3 with water; eye drops with vitamin A; ophthalmoseptex; solution of furacilin (1 tablet per glass of water). Bury the medicines in the outer corner of the century, they also put a drop of tetracycline eye ointment.
  2. Conjunctivitis. The disease is associated with drafts, hypothermia, or is a consequence of infection. The eye first blushes, water, and then there is swelling. You can remove the inflammation by warming with an infrared lamp, the corella should be cast off from the other pets and turned to the ornithologist.
  3. Foreign body. When it got into the eye, the eyelid should be washed with a solution of boric acid (1 tsp per 1 st water), or furatsilinom (1 tablet per 1 st water). If bleeding is observed, the wound should be wiped with hydrogen peroxide carefully, so that it does not get on the cornea.

Corella beak disease

Bird bone often signals problems in the body of the pet. Defeat of the beak in the corolla - possible diseases and treatment:

  1. Excessive growth of the beak and claws, deformation, outgrowths. It is necessary to consult a doctor, he will remove excess tissue. For prevention in the cell, it is advisable to put twigs of trees, so that the bird grinds its beak.
  2. Change in structure, softening. Treatment is reduced to elimination of deficiencies in nutrition, it must be enriched with polyvitamins.

Parasites of Cornella

The appearance of harmful insects can adversely affect the health of the pet. If such a fact is discovered, it is urgent to take action. Parrot parakeet - parasitic diseases and treatment:

  1. Scabies mite. Populated on the legs, the skin reddens, inflames, feathers fall out. Corella is planted from the cage, the house is disinfected. Paws are moistened with glycerin, treated with antiscabic or turpentine ointment, feathers impregnated with a decoction of tobacco. The procedure is carried out first several times a day, then - weekly until healing.
  2. Puffper. With their presence feathers in the feathered are damaged by holes. The cell must be decontaminated, the bird treated with Front Line or Ode- actin, dropping on the head from the syringe 1 time. It spreads to the skin and parasites die. After 5 days, repeat the treatment.
  3. Red ticks. They live on the surface of the skin, the parrot loses its blood, a breakdown occurs. The struggle is carried out with the help of acaricides and insecticides, pyrethrum is rubbed into the skin, the house is disinfected.

Falling feathers in a parrot

Many diseases of Corellia parrots can cause the fall of feathers:

When the feathers of coral fall out, you need to adjust the food - add apples, carrots, and multivitamins to your food. The cell must be cleaned, the freshness and humidity of the air normalized, and the parrot should be given peace. If the feathers fall off without independent plucking, then if such conditions are met, the disease will recede after 1-2 weeks. When identifying fungi and mites, treatment is best entrusted to the doctor.

Goiter in Cornella

Poisoning, celular catarrhal illnesses and their symptoms are similar to goiter, so the host may not notice it - the bird sits puffed, loses its appetite, burps food. The main alarm is the increase in the goiter and its filling with a mucus mass, the pet begins diarrhea, in the emetic substrate there are grains enveloped in a white substance. There is rotting due to poor-quality, too cold or hot food, dirty water, fungi. At the initial manifestations of the disease, the corolla should be attributed to the ornithologist, he will develop therapy.