Fructose or sugar?

Perhaps, any person who seriously undertook to bring his body and health back to normal knows that carbohydrates are enemies of a well-proportioned figure. However, this statement is far from always valid, because carbohydrates to carbohydrates are different. Finding bags with sweeteners in specialized departments, many people think about what is more useful: fructose or sugar.

Fructose and glucose in sugar

Getting into the body, sugar is split into two kinds of simple carbohydrates: fructose and glucose, and then each of them goes on its way. Glucose is consumed for energy, part of it is stored in the liver in the form of glycogen, and only the residues are stored in reserve as fatty deposits. This carbohydrate also stimulates the production of insulin, an anabolic hormone, which slows digestion processes and increases energy consumption. As a result, a feeling of saturation appears. But in the future there is a similar sharp decline in the concentration of the hormone, and this is not the best way to affect well-being.

Fructose has almost the same caloric content as sugar, but unlike the latter, no other carbohydrates in the bag contain it. In the body, fructose is digested somewhat differently from glucose. It is proved that this carbohydrate is primarily deposited in the form of fat, and only then is it spent on obtaining energy. Therefore, we can safely say that its use leads to an increase in body fat, so that fructose instead of sugar when losing weight is not the best option.

Insulin and fructose

The thing is that fructose very weakly stimulates the secretion of insulin, in contrast to glucose. Therefore, the use of this carbohydrate by weight loss leads to undesirable consequences:

The replacement of sugar with fructose is suitable for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus who have problems with the pancreas, it is for them that they produce fructose in pure form.

Sugar is the source of useless calories

If there is a choice of "fructose or sugar," it is better to give preference to sugar than to use only fructose. But, strictly speaking, sugar is a source of useless calories, because it does not contain vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients. Therefore, to obtain simple carbohydrates is best from fruits .