Dissecting aortic aneurysm

The walls of one of their largest blood vessels, the aorta, consist of several parallel layers, closely adjacent to each other. When their normal structure is broken, anomalous cavities and channels are formed between the tissues, through which blood is injected. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "exfoliating aortic aneurysm." Pathology refers to extremely difficult conditions, representing a direct threat to life.

Causes and symptoms of exfoliating aortic aneurysm

The provoking factors of this anomaly:

Symptoms of the disease under consideration differ depending on the extent of aneurysm spread, but usually the following symptoms are observed:

Emergency care for exfoliating aortic aneurysm

Independently to alleviate the condition of the patient is impossible, therefore the only recommended measure in the presence of the above clinical manifestations is an urgent call of a team of professionals.

After hospitalization, the victim will be provided with adequate medical care and intensive care procedures.

Diagnosis and treatment of exfoliating aortic aneurysm

Refinement of the diagnosis is carried out through several studies:

Therapy of the examined pathology is carried out urgently, in the cardiosurgical unit. The detachment of the walls of the aorta is an acute and life-threatening condition. With the rupture of the blood vessel, it is extremely rare to avoid death, even if the doctors correctly and quickly carried out the necessary measures.

After anesthetizing and removing the patient from a shock condition, the severity and the area of ​​aneurysm spread are assessed. Depending on this, either individual conservative treatment or urgent surgery for aortic reconstruction is prescribed.