How tasty to pickle pork shish kebab?

Going to a picnic, the most urgent issue is marinating meat. I want the shish kebab to turn out to be both fragrant, juicy and, of course, soft. All this is achieved by means of preliminary pickling, which must be taken care of beforehand. The most difficult part is to choose a good recipe, and we will help you with this, by offering several successful marinade options.

How tasty to marinate meat for shish kebab?


Calculation of 1.9 kg of pork neck:


Traditional marinade for shish kebab includes table vinegar, which categorically rejects true connoisseurs of meat at the stake. It is believed that pork in the vinegar marinade should not be soaked for long, and the proportions of its components should be just jewelry. And in this case, too, it is not always possible to achieve the desired softness without a third-hand taste. In this recipe, marinade is based on lemon juice, which largely neutralizes all risks of using vinegar and allows you to get the perfect taste of ready-made shish kebab from pork.

Prepared meat cut into slices, put in an enamel or glass jar, pour lemon juice and olive oil. We also add peeled, sliced ​​and slightly rumpled bulbs, salt, spices and spices for shish kebab, and also grind a pea of ​​black and sweet pepper in a mortar. Mix the meat with the components of the marinade and leave it on the shelf of the refrigerator for at least six hours, and ideally at night.

How tasty to marinate pork for shish kebab in coffee?


Calculation of 1.9 kg of pork neck:


In this case, the basis of marinade for shish kebab is hot freshly brewed coffee of medium strength. We fill them with prepared slices of pork neck, pre-seasoned with salt, aromatic spices for shish kebab and ground just before pickling with black pepper. Also, before adding coffee, it is necessary to knead the meat along with the rings of peeled and chopped onions. Let the pork cool first in the coffee marinade, and then put it on the shelf of the refrigerator for seven to ten hours. Shish kebab by means of this pickling gets incredible aroma and delicate taste, which you will surely like.

How quickly and tasty marinated shish kebab from pork in mineral water?


Calculation of 1.9 kg of pork:


Marinade with air bubbles, which are present in mineral water, works wonders. In a fairly short time, even the hardest meat becomes softer, and the ready shish kebab is more tender. In order to deliciously marinate shish kebab from pork in mineral water, cut the pork into a suitable vessel, we savor with salt, freshly ground black pepper and aromatic spices, we add onion-stained bulbs and knead all the good hands. We fill the meat with the components of the marinade with mineral carbonated water and leave it for four hours. After a while, you can start the process of frying shish kebab.

How to pickle a delicious juicy kebab from pork?

Those who are knowledgeable in marinades for shish kebabs are advised not to use salt at the marinating stage, which will keep all the juices inside the pork. If you are not embarrassed by the fact that you have to salt you already have ruddy ready meat, then use this recommendation, and then get the most juicy kebab at the output.