DNA analysis for paternity at home

"Not like you, not like me ..?" - if you do not throw out the words from the song, you will hardly be able to close your eyes to sad statistics. As studies in the UK show, every 25 men bring up a genetically non-native child, without even realizing it. Of course, I want to believe that in our country the situation is more rosy, although the sharply increased number of married couples who wish to establish paternity and undergo DNA expertise are not very encouraging.

Today, all doubting men can get information about paternity, thanks to the ingenious invention - a home DNA test. What is this analysis, what is needed for its conduct and what is the reliability of the result obtained, we will tell you in this article.

Paternity test at home

For the first time hearing about the analysis of DNA on paternity at home, many imagine something in the nature of a mini-laboratory or a device such as a pregnancy test. But no, in fact, a homemade DNA test for paternity is called only because at home the biomaterial is sampled, which is then sent to the laboratory. In fact, this is a special set consisting of sterile sticks, colorful envelopes and video instructions with a detailed description of how to properly carry out the procedure for collecting cells (buccal epithelium) from the inner surface of the cheek. Collection of biological material is necessarily carried out in the alleged father and child, the mother's cells simplify the study, but are not considered mandatory. After receiving the buccal epithelium, it is placed in a special envelope and sent to a laboratory where the DNA of the father and the child is directly compared.

The analysis takes several (2-5) days. The results are reported directly to the customer, as they are confidential information that is not disclosed to third parties and state organizations. The accuracy of this study is almost 100%. It should also be clarified that for the DNA test for paternity at home, the written consent of the mother, father and child (after 16 years) is necessary.

Undoubtedly, such availability of the examination for paternity caused a flurry of conflicting reviews. On the one hand, it is an opportunity for every doubting man to establish kinship with the child, on the other - a mistrust of such a plan can lead to a divorce. That is why the decision to pass a test for paternity must be weighed and mutual.