How to learn to make a twine?

There is a statement that you can sit on the twine at any age, of course, if you really try. But in practice, even in the young years, this is not such a simple and quick occupation. And also dangerous, if you start training, not knowing how to properly make a twine. At the same time, correct mastering of the technique makes it possible to increase the mobility of the hip joints, improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. For example, in yoga, there are several descriptions of how to learn how to properly twine for correction of the spine, rejuvenation of the organs of the reproductive system, the elimination of certain diseases. Of course, master this technique should be supervised by a mentor. But it is possible and independently to develop flexibility with the help of ordinary gymnastic exercises.

How to do stretching for twine?

There are several ways how to make twine, which differ in the intensity of training and in the speed of the result. But, since it is rather dangerous to learn how to make a twine without the trainer's supervision, we will consider the methods of stretching, which are available for independent execution. At once it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that not all types of stretch have a beneficial effect on health. For example, a wellness complex of exercises never includes ballistic stretching, in which the impact on muscles and ligaments is due to springing movements and jerks. In the absence of experience and skill, passive stretching, which implies working in pairs, is not recommended. For recreational purposes, static and isometric stretching is most often used.

Static stretching is the smooth stretching of the muscles due to static exercises. It should be borne in mind that this type of stretching does not strengthen the muscles. The exercises themselves are simple. For longitudinal twine, it is necessary to stretch the leg forward and fix it at such a height that a pleasant, painless stretching of the muscles is felt. You can use a table, a window sill, or a machine for this. Trying to relax the muscles as much as possible, you should stay in that position for 20 seconds, and as the elasticity improves, increase the height and stretch time to one minute. In the same way, repeat the exercise by stretching the leg backwards. You can make several approaches alternately for each leg. For the cross twine perform the exercise on the same principle, alternately pulling the legs to the sides.

Unlike static, isometric stretching exercises increase the elasticity and strength of the muscles. Exercises for twine are also simple. The starting position for the longitudinal twine - the right leg in front, the left behind, in the muscles there is a pleasant stretching. After completing the cycle in this position, the legs should be changed, stretching the left forward, and the right back. For the transverse twine, the legs are widely spaced apart, the muscles should also feel stretched. Keeping the original position, you need to strain the muscles, as if trying to connect the legs. 5 seconds of voltage should alternate with 15-20 seconds of relaxation, carrying out in each position a cycle of 5-8 voltages.

Before stretching, regardless of the chosen technique, be sure to dedicate a minimum of 30 minutes warm-up, to warm up the muscles. To this end, squats, feet, jogging, jumps will do. Without warm-up, even the most inoffensive exercises can lead to injuries to the joints, ligaments and muscles. Static and isometric stretching can be performed not only standing, but sitting and lying, using the above principles to stretch the necessary muscle groups. During stretching, you must always control your posture. Breathing is uniform, deep, inhaling with the nose, exhaling with the mouth. In some trainings it is recommended to make small pauses after inhalation and after exhalation.

How to learn to make the correct twine?

When the muscles become sufficiently elastic, it is not difficult to sit on the twine. To do this, one should sit in the half-string every day, when one leg is bent, and the other is stretched in turn one by one, backwards and to the side. In this situation, you should try to sit completely in the half-string. When the result appears, you can master the full twine, but to avoid injuries, go down into the transverse or longitudinal twine smoothly using the palm rest. Daily you should try to sit as deep as possible into the twine, but not making any effort to painful and unpleasant sensations.

In addition, when attempting to master twine, the following recommendations should be considered:

Regular training will lead to the intended goal, the main thing is not to give up, but not to try to speed up the process to the detriment of one's own health.