Alcohol and children

In our lives, so it was customary, there are times when parents use hot drinks. Be it a holiday or some other occasion. But did you ever think about the fact that our children see all this? They want to imitate the elders. And sometimes it succeeds. And the harm of alcohol for children is known to everyone. Only, unfortunately, not everyone seriously ponder over this.

Alcohol poisoning in children

It happens that the negligence of adults can lead to serious consequences. Knowingly children are called "parrots" and "monkeys" - any parent step and gesture is subject to immediate copying by the child. Especially dangerous are the situations in which the child sees where the alcohol stands or is stored, which adults used. Accessibility can easily lead to alcohol poisoning in children.

If you notice that the child:

- then there is every reason to say that your child has been poisoned by alcohol. For children of small age, any dose of alcohol is dangerous, in this case it is better to call an ambulance. Themselves provide him with an abundant warm drink and constantly watch the breath. If necessary, try to induce vomiting in the child by pressing 2 fingers on the root of the tongue. To lay the child it is necessary on a flank, as lying on a back, it can be drowned by vomit masses. As an adsorbent, it is possible to give the child activated charcoal in a dose: 1 tablet per 10 kg of the child's weight. Make sure that fresh air enters the room, only look so that the baby does not blow.

Effects of alcohol use

If an alcoholic person has a negative effect on an adult, then what about the organism of the child, on which the influence of alcohol is several times stronger. Everyone knows such terrible diseases as cancer and cirrhosis of the liver, stomach cancer, damage to the central nervous system and memory loss. Do not take chances and play with fire!

Also, do not get carried away with drinking alcohol and pregnant women, because each drunk a glass of alcohol has a huge impact on your unborn child. Slows down the growth and development of the fetus. Yes, and the alcohol itself will be removed from the baby twice as long as from his mother.

Do not forget that childhood is a time of study and discovery, so be worthy examples of imitation for your children.