Dolphin for children

When the joyful moment comes and parents can give their child to the kindergarten and at the same time get free time to solve the accumulated cases, they usually face the question: how to protect their child from constant colds and diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. After all, until recently, being constantly with the child, his parents kept grooming and cherishing from morning till night and certainly would not have allowed contact with the vector of the infection, but, unfortunately, in the kindergarten such control is not possible and sooner or later the child will have to face infection. In this case, pediatricians recommend conducting preventive actions before giving their baby to the kindergarten.

An excellent tool for carrying out this kind of prevention is the preparation of children's dolphin. It can be both a preventive agent and a drug for treating ENT diseases, rhinitis, adenoids and colds. It can also be prescribed after a nasal trauma, surgery or with dry nose syndrome. Dolphin is available in two types: for children and adults. And their compositions are identical, only dosages differ.

Washing of the nose in children with the help of a dolphin helps to reduce symptoms and speedy recovery. In the process of washing, along with the solution, pathogenic bacteria emerge, which cause the swelling of the nose. For greater effect, in the treatment of colds, doctors recommend not only to wash the nose with a dolphin, but also gargle.

This drug is a complex of one bottle and thirty bags, and the composition of the dolphin includes ocean salt, soda and dry extract of dogrose and licorice. All this composition corresponds to all biological fluids and therefore can not cause allergic reactions.

How many times a day to take a dolphin?

When prophylaxis is sufficient two times a day, and the second method is recommended to do in the evening, half an hour before bedtime. When treating, rinse should be repeated 3-4 times a day.

How do I wash my nose with a dolphin baby?

To do this, mix one packet of the mixture in boiled water (34-36 ° C). Water should be poured to 125 ml mark. Then, the child should be asked to bend over the sink (the inclination should be about 90 °) to inhale and hold your breath, then attach the lid of the jar to the nostril and gently press the vial.

Contraindications to the use of dolphin

Flushing is possible only if only one nostril is blocked or both, but partially. You can not wash your nose with frequent nasal bleeding and otitis.