Eye contour

Grass, in fact, is a parasitic weed, found a very wide application in the best recipes of folk medicine. The eye contour is used externally, in the form of solutions, lotions or compresses, and for internal reception, in the form of broths, teas, fresh juice. Even traditional medicine actively uses the plant in the production of medicines.

What is useful for eyebrows?

Despite the variety of modern synthetic drops, more and more people prefer drugs on a natural basis. Not an exception, and the head - given its ability to parasitize, the grass during development actively absorbs the maximum amount of nutrients from cereals and soil. Phytochemicals contain such components as anthocyanins, essential oils, saponins, resins, glycosides, coumarins, tannins, organic fat and a mass of vitamins. Moreover, the extract from the eye is rich in micro- and macroelements:

Thanks to a unique combination of ingredients, the plant can treat not only reduced visual acuity due to chronic eye fatigue, professional activities and aging, but also serious diseases such as:

Eye drops with eyebrow

Conservative medicine offers not so many types of medicinal solutions:

The simplest way is to acquire the last name, since the drug is always present in the pharmacy network and is not too expensive.

Okulochel is considered to be a completely natural herbal medicine with proven high efficacy. Nevertheless, the drop is not popular because of the high cost and the need for a long course of therapy.

Euphrasia also refers to organic preparations, but it is rather difficult to buy.

Applying a medicinal eyelet

You can prepare effective funds yourself.

Broth from the eye:

  1. In enameled ware, preheat approximately 250 ml of clean water.
  2. Move the container to a water bath, make sure that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed 60 degrees.
  3. Add 25g of dry chopped herb grass to a saucepan.
  4. Maintain the raw material in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  5. Immediately strain the hot liquid and dilute it with warm boiled water (about 50 ml).
  6. Pour into a glass jar.

Cooked infusion recommended to drink 1-2 tablespoons 2 times a day. In parallel, it is necessary to make from it lotions and compresses for the eyes, washing.