Why does the water in the aquarium green?

The most common question that interests all aquarists - why does the water and soil in the aquarium green? Despite the fact that the blooming water does not cause much harm, but the aesthetic appearance spoils quite appreciably. Such water can become dangerous for fish if you start them from a fresh pond. To find a method to combat this problem, you need to establish the true causes of flowering.

Why is the aquarium green?

The reason for the turbidity of water is "euglena", known as free-floating algae. It is an integral part of the food chain and quickly adapts to the surrounding environment.

The popular name "green water" precisely characterizes the appearance of the vessel in which such alga is present. Most often, aquarium owners face the problem of euglena a few weeks after launch. But why does the water turn green in the aquarium and the alga begins to multiply? There are several reasons:

  1. Incorrect lighting . In case of excessive illumination, the growth of small algae is provoked. If the lighting in the aquarium works more than 10 hours, then this can be considered a favorable condition for the development of euglena. Running aquarium lighting should be turned on for 4 hours, adding a couple of hours in 3 days.
  2. Excess ammonia . It is often found in new aquariums and with large-scale fluid changes. Watch the composition of the water that you add and this problem can be avoided.
  3. Incorrect feeding . Overfeeding fish can cause flowering of water. Extra fodder, not eaten by fish, will settle on the bottom and become the main reason why the stones in the aquarium green.

What if the walls of the aquarium are green?

First you need to eliminate the causes of euglena. If the matter is in the wrong lighting, either set the appropriate light mode, or deprive the aquarium of direct sunlight. If the cause is unknown, then one can resort to methods:

  1. Run into the water a lot of living daphnia. They will quickly deal with small algae and purify the water.
  2. Get the medications from Euglena.
  3. To get the creatures that lighten the waters: catfish , mollies, snails, pecilia,
  4. If the soil is contaminated with organic waste, transfer the fish to another container and clean the soil .
  5. Use diatom filters, UV sterilizers or micro-cartridges.

Following these tips, you keep the water in the aquarium crystal clear and fresh.