
Wit is a good way to quickly get rid of unnecessary complications. Modern man uses the mind to solve problems. However, there are quite a few problems in our time. Everyone who meets on your way is trying to create for you some problem that you must solve. At work, the head sets some tasks, the state - others, the family - the following. To the list also do not mind to join, employees, school, relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances. Everyone dreams to burden you with some tasks. Applying the mind to solve all these problems is useless, because eventually you just drown in them. Wit is the ability to extinguish any negative manifestations, with the help of a sharp word. That's it for this case you should know the simple secrets of wit.

How to learn wit?

There are people who are endowed with him since birth. But then you ask, how to develop wit, if it is not congenital? There are several ways that will help you in the development of wit:

Also, study the theory of classification of receptions of wit, after all it will not do much harm, but on the contrary will help strengthen this ability. After all, wit, nothing more than an ability, and the ability to develop. Otherwise, over the years it will become obsolete, or even completely run out. Next, we briefly review the main classifications.

  1. A common technique is false resistance. The ending of which contradicts the beginning of the joke.
  2. False gain is when the final on one side confirms the joke, but on the other, and refutes it.
  3. The wit of absurdity - the key is to bring the situation to the point of absurdity, in which the listener, as it were, understands in advance that the said is devoid of common sense.
  4. And finally, the reception is a mixture of styles. It is mainly used by experienced and professional writers.

The above classification, of course, is not complete, which has a real "wit", but it is sufficiently meaningful to convey the range of spiritual gifts of man. By applying such secrets of wit in practice, a positive reaction accompanied by laughter is guaranteed. If such a reaction is not caused by the side of the interlocutor, but there are no conditions for suppressing the positive feelings, then their own laughter in this case will be an expression of intellectual triumph.

Be witty, because wit is an opportunity to always be heard.