Psychological problems of modern society - causes and consequences

Every person during his life experiences psychological problems during his contacts with the outside world, which reflect his inner world, beliefs, and a system of personal values. Such problems often begin in childhood, and then worsen in adulthood.

Psychological problems - what is it?

The concept of a psychological problem is closely related to the inner worldview of a person. They are difficult to distinguish, since any problem that has begun in family relationships can affect the whole person. They are related to the biological and social needs of man. Psychological problems are: explicit (problem states and relationships), hidden and deep.

The problem states include fears, addictions, depression, psychosomatic diseases , loss of will. Relationships are jealousy, loneliness, conflicts, attachments. Unlike obvious problems, hidden ones are not obvious to a person, he denies them and seeks the source of their failures in others. The hidden ones are:

  1. Vengefulness, demonstrative behavior, struggle for power.
  2. Stress in the body, underdevelopment and squeezing.
  3. Lack of knowledge, responsibility, the habit of seeing in everything a negative, feeling sorry for yourself.
  4. False beliefs, lifestyles - night, alcoholism, smoking.

Interrelation of diseases and psychological problems

The expression "all diseases from nerves" has scientific confirmation. And the role of the psyche in the emergence of diseases according to WHO - 40%. When the psychological balance is disturbed, the organism starts a whole chain of processes leading to the disease:

  1. Stress and chronic nervous tension stimulate the secretion of hormones by the adrenals, which disrupt the work of the heart, stomach, brain.
  2. Prolonged negative emotions lead to spasms of blood vessels, accumulation of toxins in the blood, development of autoimmune diseases. The psychological problem of allergy is intolerance, rejection of the situation, the person.

Causes of psychological problems

At the heart of psychological problems is the difficulty for a person to control his subconscious. The unconscious area is that part of the psyche in which all negative experiences, situations and defeats are stored. Problems of a psychological nature arise if a person does not use his active part - consciousness. For example, if you are in a bad mood, you need to remember any positive event from your life, try to see the beauty of everything that surrounds us. Similarly, you can help another person by switching his attention to positive things.

Psychological problems of modern society

Social psychology, studying the psychological problems of people in the modern world, identifies crisis trends common to all. Priority is the loss of the meaning of life, the substitution of spiritual values ​​with momentary pleasures. The second common feature of economically developed countries is disunity and loss of ties with the society. A society of singles is being formed. For communication, there is no need for live communication, a person can live alone, he does not need to create groups to save his life. The consequence of the violation of contacts between people consider the growth of drug addiction, alcoholism.

Loneliness as a psychological problem

Loneliness turns into a problem not when a person remains alone with himself, but in the event that he feels abandoned and unnecessary. More acutely these psychological problems are perceived in adolescence and old age. At teenagers this feeling develops at uncertainty in itself, failures in study, закомплексованности. In older people it is associated with the distance of children, the difficulty of communicating with friends, the death of peers.

In adulthood, a person can feel lonely at the time of dismissal from work and loss of communication with the team, this leads to the loss of the meaning of life and is the cause of severe depressions. The problematic psychological situations associated with loneliness make people pessimistic, less talkative, they look tired, angry with communicable and happy people. To get out of this state, psychological help is often required.

The problem of the development of intelligence

Intellect as an ability to cognition, learning, logical thinking leads a person to understand the consequences of their actions, the ability to avoid conflicts. One of the features of a person with developed intelligence can be called an intuitive solution to complex problems. In societies with totalitarian regimes, narrow target thinking can be formed in people, when the whole sphere of interests is narrowed to everyday everyday goals. The problem of intelligence in the thinking of groups of people is reduced to standard, stereotyped models of behavior.

Aggressiveness as a socio-psychological problem

Aggression is a form of destructive human actions, in which he inflicts harm on others, both psychological and physical, with the help of force. The aggressiveness of man as a social and psychological problem has such manifestations:

  1. Propensity to superiority over others.
  2. Use of people for their own purposes.
  3. Destructive intentions.
  4. Causing other people, animals, things to harm.
  5. Violence and cruelty.

There are factors that contribute to the manifestations of aggression: stress, the influence of the media with types of violence, large concentrations of people, alcohol, drugs, low intellectual abilities , dependencies, envy. Such people are usually afraid of being unrecognized, are more irritable, suspicious, they are unable to experience guilt, are touchy and can not adapt to new conditions.

Fear as a psychological problem

Fears of a person are those emotions that he does not want to ever experience. Panic attacks with an unexplained sudden sense of fear occur more often in large cities and are accompanied by chills and loss of orientation:

  1. Fear of speaking before the public.
  2. Fear of death.
  3. Fear of fire or water.
  4. Phobia of heights.
  5. Fear of closed or open spaces.

The main reason for these conditions is not fear, but fear of fear. A person begins to fear what can not really happen to him. Socially psychological problems of such people are solved when they realize that all reasons for fears are inside, there are always forces to overcome them, and life must be filled with joy, not fears.

Psychological problems of virtual communication

Virtual communication becomes more popular than real. Psychological problems of communication arise when communicating in the network in the event of the formation of dependence and the termination of social contacts in reality. Communication through a computer changes the psychology of a person, he begins to express his thoughts differently. Using invisibility can ascribe to itself non-existent qualities and virtues. This leads a person to be cut off from the outside world and to substitute feelings and emotions for their surrogates.

Overeating as a psychological problem

Obesity is not only a cosmetic problem, sometimes its causes lie in the field of psychology. Psychological problems of obesity are manifested as fears of an aggressive environment. One of the reasons for weight gain is an attempt to protect yourself from the outside world. Then, when typing extra pounds, a person ceases to feel his body, real needs, ceases to understand the people around him. He takes on a lot of responsibility and tries to live not his life. Excess weight makes people clumsy and in thought. They with great difficulty give up their beliefs, with the same difficulty and get rid of excess weight.

Psychological Sexual Problems

Psychological problems in sex are experienced by both women and men. For women, the reasons for the inability to achieve orgasm and sexual coldness (frigidity) can be:

  1. Fear of unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Strict education.
  3. Sexual violence.
  4. Negative first experience.
  5. Mismatch of temperaments.
  6. Conflicts in the family.
  7. Frustration in the partner.

Psychological problems with erection and premature ejaculation are experienced by men with such experiences:

  1. Stressful situations.
  2. Psychological stress.
  3. Indifference to the partner.
  4. Fear of the impossibility of having sexual intercourse.
  5. Conflicts between partners.
  6. Excitement before the sexual intercourse.
  7. Inconsistency of sexual desires and habits of partners.

Psychological problems and ways to solve them

The problems associated with the psychological aspects of life for a person are a heavy burden that prevents a full-fledged existence. Unresolved difficulties and obstacles worsen health and relationships. Solving psychological problems takes place in several stages. The same steps are needed for any kind of tasks:

  1. Setting goals.
  2. Definition of conditions.
  3. Planning a solution.
  4. Implementation of the solution.
  5. Check the result.

But even a person with a high IQ and self-organization often does not know how to get rid of this kind of problems. This is due to the fact that being a direct participant in the process and experiencing negative emotions to oneself in such problems is difficult to help. Therefore, qualified psychological help will be useful.