Why is a melon useful for women?

The end of summer is marked by the appearance on the shelves of shops and markets of juicy and fragrant melons. They are loved by adults and children, and not only in fresh form, because the pulp is used in various dishes. Useful properties of melons are due to the presence of vitamins and minerals, as well as pectins and other substances. That's why, doctors and nutritionists recommend to include this false berry in your diet as often as possible.

What is useful and harmful melon for women?

First, let's turn to the caloric content of this product, since many people are focusing on this value, forming their own menu, so in 100 g of pulp contains 30-38 kcal. The value is small, which allows dieticians to recommend a melon even for days of unloading.

Than the melon is useful:

  1. The composition includes many pectins, which help soft cleansing of the intestine from slags and other decomposition products. Given this property, the melon should be included in the menu of people who want to lose weight.
  2. The false berry contains folic acid and B vitamins , which not only strengthen health, but also reduce the risk of gynecological diseases. Melon helps normalize the hormonal background.
  3. A melon for the liver is useful, so with regular use it is possible to improve the work of this organ, since the composition contains iron and potassium compounds.
  4. We can not fail to note the positive effect of the false berry on the activity of the nervous system, and is due to the presence of B vitamins. In addition, the contained amino acids trigger the synthesis of the hormone of joy in the body.
  5. There is in the composition of iron, which takes a direct part in the process of hematopoiesis. Given this property, it is recommended to eat melons during menstruation.
  6. Thanks to vitamins and phytochemical compounds, it can be argued that the flesh of fruits contributes to the strengthening of the protective functions of the body. In addition, the composition is ascorbic acid, leading an active fight against free radicals, viruses and infections.
  7. Given the presence of iodine, it can be said that this false berry stimulates brain activity and strengthens the memory of a person. In addition, iodine is important for the thyroid gland.
  8. Talking about how useful melon for a person, it is worth mentioning the presence of retinol - a vitamin, which is important for the organs of vision, as it strengthens the retina and nourishes the cornea.
  9. Included in the composition, nicotinic acid positively affects the condition of the capillaries, dilutes the blood and reduces the risk of blood clots. It also helps to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  10. There is in the pulp of calcium - an element necessary for the formation of bone tissue, and it is important for the health of teeth and nails.

Useful properties are not only in the pulp, but also melon seeds, which are used in the recipes of traditional medicine. They include a lot of zinc, which improves the sexual functions of men and the level of potency, and also it increases the production of spermatozoa.

Melon has not only useful properties, but also can cause harm, if you do not take into account contraindications. You can not mix the flesh of this fruit with other foods, and eat it in large quantities, as the work of the stomach becomes more complicated. Harm a melon can cause people with diabetes, because it contains a lot of sugar. It is not recommended to eat flesh in large quantities, if there is an ulcer and dysentery. One can not miss the moment that today many farmers for the rapid cultivation of melons use different nitrates, which are dangerous to human health. That's why you should not buy fruits too early, when the season has not yet come. In addition, it is recommended to buy a melon only at proven points of sale.