Milk mushroom - good and bad

Another healing remedy, which came to us from Tibet - milk mushroom. It is used to treat many diseases and slimming. Milk mushroom, the benefit and harm of which is a cause for controversy, is a natural antibiotic that has the ability to purify the body of harmful substances and products of decay. Outwardly it looks like a substance of white color, which is formed into balls from 40 to 77 mm in diameter. On its basis, yogurt is prepared, which by many characteristics exceeds the drink offered by modern producers. As the milk fungus becomes more and more popular every day, we decided to understand its properties and contraindications.

Than the milk or dairy mushroom is useful?

Its main action is the ability to purify the body of various kinds of microbes and toxins that accumulate in the body for a long time. Many scientists are sure that the main cause of diseases - the processes of decay, with which the milk fungus also fights. It removes heavy metals from the body, cleans vessels, normalizes blood pressure and blood sugar. Another significant property of the Tibetan milk fungus is the possibility to increase the potency and get rid of thrush. Positively affects the fungus on the skin of the hands and face. It acts as a rejuvenating and bleaching agent, so it can be used in home cosmetics. It is also worth noting the effect of the product on the work of the nervous system. With regular use, you can get rid of insomnia, headaches, fatigue and even depression.

You can use Tibetan milk mushroom and for weight loss, and yet it will help reduce the appearance of cellulite. He leads an active fight with excess fat, and also normalizes the metabolism in the body. Tibetan fungus improves the digestive system, and the process of digesting other foods.

Another important information is the calorie content of kefir, cooked on the basis of milk fungus. The energy value of such a drink is small and amounts to only 43 kcal per 100 g. Do not forget that sour-milk products cooked on the basis of a fungus act as a "panicle" cleaning the body of harmful substances and decomposition products, which in turn helps to get rid of a few extra kilograms.

Contraindications to use

Like many food products and medical products, milk fungus can be harmful when consumed in large quantities. You can not use the fungus in people with severe diabetes , with fungal diseases, as well as during an exacerbation of intestinal disorders. The most cautious to the milk fungus is to be people with bronchial asthma, as well as with individual intolerance of the product. Another feature - when combining a sour milk product made on the basis of a fungus and alcohol, you can cause severe indigestion.

Diet based on milk mushroom

If you want to get rid of extra pounds, it is recommended to adjust the diet, excluding from it harmful products. Half an hour after each the main meal is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. kefir, cooked on the basis of the fungus, and also every 7 days to arrange a fasting day.

The menu for this day looks like this:

Adhering to such a diet, for a month you can lose about 4 kg, and also improve the whole body.