Why do your fingers become numb?

On the bench sat two elderly friends and gossiped about their and other people's children, relatives and neighbors, about the size of pensions and modern morals of young people. Young women passed by them, apparently hurrying home from work. In the hands of each was on a heavy bag with food. One of the grandmothers sitting on the bench sadly sighed and said: "They are running, killer whales, I was worn with semblance too, but now my arms are numb, my legs are aching, I've worked, I could run clear of it."

Why do women's fingers become numb?

In the situation described above grandmothers are 90% of women, and not only because of the bagging of bags with products. The reasons why fingers are numb, quite a lot. Let's take a look at the most common of them.

The enemy of accountants and programmers is carpal tunnel syndrome

One of the most common reasons why the fingers of both hands grow numb is the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome. It develops in people whose work is associated with frequent monotonous movements of the hands. As a rule, this includes accountants, secretaries, seamstresses, office workers whose main responsibility is long typing on a computer keyboard, filling out all sorts of papers and the like routine. And since this work is most often performed by women, it is they who are more than men who are affected by this ailment. In addition to numbness in the fingers of the hands, it also manifests itself in various types of pain, crawling and even leading to atrophy of the thumb and a decrease in the sensitivity of the hands.

In all, osteochondrosis is to blame

The answer to the question, why the fingers of the left or right arm grow numb, there may be a notorious osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The fact is that the nerves and vessels of the hands take their origin from the cervical neurovascular bundles. With age, on the spine may be deposited harmful salts, which infringe these very bundles. In the end result these infringements and become the reason, why fingers grow dumb. And supplement this group of intervertebral hernias, scoliosis and prolonged physical exertion, for example, the same wearing heavy bags with food or pulling on the hands of grown children. And since the development of hernias and scoliosis is more often one-sided, the fingers grow numb either on the right or on the left arm.

Heart "pumped up"

But the reason why fingers grow dumb at night, it is necessary to search in the bowels of the cardiovascular system. It can be hypertension, angina pectoris, venous congestion, and heart failure. But most often white and numb the pads and fingers of both hands with Raynaud's disease. This is due to a sharp spasm of blood vessels in the street in cold weather or when exposed to cold water.

What should I do if my fingers become numb?

But regardless of the reason, if you notice that your fingers are numb, you must urgently decide what to do about it. And the solution to this problem is based on several steps. First, go to the doctor, at least the therapist, and find out why fingers are numb in your case. Secondly, to deal with the elimination of the underlying disease, the symptom of which is numbness and is. If the main cause is carpal syndrome, osteochondrosis or scoliosis, the complex of massage of the collar zone and simple exercises for the hands is best. For example, such.

  1. Sit straight up, raise your arms straight above your head and, as it should, shake them, loosening your hands. Then put your hands down, along the trunk, and gently shake them. Repeat this exercise 7-10 times.
  2. Sitting or standing, pull out straight arms at the level of the shoulders, squeeze the hand into a fist and rotate them then one way, then the other. Then relax your hands down along the trunk. Do 10 approaches.
  3. Stand straight, stretch straight arms forward at shoulder level, alternately tighten the brushes to fists, then straighten them as much as possible. Do 10 compressions and stretches, rest for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise again. It should be done 7-10 approaches.
  4. Sitting on a chair with a backrest, slowly rotate your head from the left to the right, up and down, clockwise and counterclockwise. Movement should be done very slowly, so as not to dizzy. Repeat 10 times each movement.

Do these exercises regularly 2 times a day, observe the regime of work and rest, visit the massage therapist twice a year, do not forget to put on gloves in the cold season, take care of your heart and spine. And the main thing, dear women, remember, in your little hands is the happiness of your entire family, take care of them, and be healthy.