Mitral valve prolapse of the 1st degree

The prolapse of the mitral valve of the 1st degree is a pathological condition in which a normal operation of the valve located between the atrium and the ventricle is disrupted. Most often, this ailment has a favorable prognosis, but some patients develop a number of very unpleasant complications.

Causes of mitral valve prolapse

The prolapse of the 1 st degree mitral valve of the heart is a slight protrusion (up to 5 mm) of one or two valves of the valve that separates the atrium (left) from the ventricle (left). This pathology occurs in 20% of people. Mostly it is congenital.

A common cause of prolapse of the mitral valve (1 item) is the weakening of the connective tissue (the "foundation" for the heart). Such a violation, as a rule, is hereditary. Also, PMC develops because of a disruption in the structure of the chord, the stems, or papillary muscles that result from the following diseases:

  1. Ischemic heart disease or myocardial infarction. After such diseases, the onset of prolapse of the heart valve of the 1st degree occurs most often in elderly people.
  2. Rheumatism . On the basis of rheumatic carditis the appearance of prolapse is topical for children.
  3. Trauma of the chest. Against the background of this effect, PMC will manifest itself only if it is accompanied by a break in the chords.

Symptoms of mitral valve prolapse

Despite the fact that such a pathological condition as mitral valve prolapse can be met quite often, one-third of the affected people do not have any obvious symptoms. The patient may feel heart palpitations, pains, tremors, interruptions or fading in the chest, but all these signs are fickle, and are manifested during intense excitement, physical exertion or the use of tea and coffee. Dyspnea rarely occurs. That is why, in the main, the prolapse of the mitral valve of the 1st degree is revealed quite by chance, when a person is examined for other reasons.

Sometimes such a violation accompanies external signs. A person can have:

In children with PMC there is increased fatigue and passivity. If the child is often weak and refuses active games, then it is necessary to do echocardiography.

Treatment of mitral valve prolapse

The prolapse of the 1 st degree mitral valve develops very slowly, and the condition can remain stable over time. But in some situations arrythmia or bacterial endocarditis may appear against its background, so treatment of this pathology is necessary.

When PMK can be prescribed adrenoblockers, for example, Propranolol or Atenolol, and drugs that contain magnesium. Pain can be eliminated with Validol or Corvalol. If mitral valve prolapse is detected during pregnancy, vitamins Nicotinamide, Thiamine or Riboflavin are prescribed. Also, patients must carefully observe all the rules of oral hygiene.

Surgical treatment of PMC is prescribed only when there is a risk of severe mitral valve insufficiency. During the operation, the valve is prosthetic.

All people who are involved in sports and diagnosed mitral valve prolapse should consult their cardiologist, since moderate exercise is not primarily prohibited, but with the risk of complications in swimming, aerobics and many others, one should not be engaged. But breathing exercises are shown with PMC, especially if there are signs of hyperventilation.