Erythema multiforme

Multiforme erythema is an allergic disease of the skin and mucous membrane, which can occur on the body. The cause of its occurrence has not yet been finally clarified. But doctors know exactly what are the distinctive signs of the disease and how to get rid of the disease.

Symptoms of multiforme exudative erythema

Polymorphic exudative erythema can occur in young people, as well as in middle-aged people. It can develop against the background of an infectious disease and as a reaction to some medications.

Symptoms of multiform erythema may be as follows:

In the acute course of the disease, there are blisters with tissue fluid inside, which can subsequently burst and in their place remain bleeding foci.

With lesions of the oral mucosa, painful lesions can occur on the inner part of the cheeks, palate, lips. At the very beginning, they look like a red spot, and two days later a bubble forms, which soon bursts and leaves behind erosion. In some cases, this process is so painful that a person can neither drink nor eat.

Most often this disease is manifested in the autumn and spring period.

Treatment of erythema multiforme

Appoint a quality and effective treatment will only be able to an expert after examining the extent of the lesion, as well as on the basis of the frequency of relapses. So, for example, with a fairly frequent rash and the appearance of necrotic areas, a one-time injection of 2 ml of Diprospan is recommended.

If the disease has a toxic-allergic form, then appoint enterosorbents, diuretics and abundant drink. With this disease, the following desensitizing drugs are recommended:

Together with taking medications drugs inwardly prescribed and applications of antibiotics, as well as antiseptic and corticosteroid ointments with trioxazine and dermazolin.

If the rash is formed on the mucous membrane of the mouth, then rinse using medicinal decoctions. They can be made from such herbs as:

A rather good healing effect is possessed by sea buckthorn oil, which can be used in the form of applications on the affected areas.