Allergy to sweat

A non-standard reaction of the body can occur on the impact of almost any substance. Some of them (drugs, cat hair, pollen of plants and a number of others) are among the most common allergens, but there are also atypical types of substances, the effect of which leads to allergies. One of the questions frequently asked by specialists: Can there be an allergy to sweat? We learn the opinion of allergic doctors about this.

An allergy to perspiration or cholinergic urticaria is a skin reaction to substances contained in a body fluid. And you can see an allergy, both to your own sweat, and the reaction to the sweating of another person. The reason for increased reactivity is that scientists consider autoimmune processes when the body reacts excessively to proteins contained in the natural liquid and begins to fight them, as well as an increase in the concentration of histamine in the blood, leading to swelling, hives, and in some cases to the development of anaphylactic shock.

Allergy to sweat - symptoms

Reaction to sweat is noted immediately after the act of sweating. The main symptoms of allergy are:

Allergic manifestations in the form of rhinitis (nasal congestion, sneezing) are possible.

In rare cases, the reaction can be severe and manifested as:

Allergy to sweat - treatment

If the allergy has arisen on sweat, it is necessary to remove it as soon as possible from the body: take a shower, using soap. In the future, after drying the skin well, you should apply ointment with anti-allergic effect and take an antihistamine pill. With severe itching and swollen phenomena, you should take a corticosteroid ointment and drink a sedative. Manifestations of allergic rhinitis can be removed with the help of vasoconstrictive drops with antihistamine components.

How to get rid of allergy to sweat?

To prevent the development of a reaction to sweating, it is necessary not to allow the development of skin reactions. Measures include:

In addition, it is necessary to use funds that reduce sweating (antiperspirants, injections of Botox).