Gymnastics for the lower back

Injuries to the spine are very dangerous and often lead to serious consequences. Therefore, each person needs to watch their back, and especially behind the waist, as it supports not only the entire spine, but also all internal organs. Gymnastics for the waist - the recommendation of many doctors. It is this topic that we will devote our article to. I propose to pay attention to the exercises that are recommended for this problem. The therapeutic gymnastics for the waist is designed for any age, so it can be performed by both children and adults.

Gymnastics for back pain

  1. Take a horizontal position on the floor, slightly bend your legs, and stretch your arms along the body. Within 3 seconds you need to press the lower back to the floor, and then relax. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times. When it is easy for you to do this, you can complicate your task. For this you need to stretch your legs.
  2. Without changing the position, bend your knees and clasp your hands. It will be ideal if you manage to get your knees to your chest. Your task is to keep the loin pressed against the floor. Stay in this position for 3 seconds and then lower your legs. Do about 12 reps.
  3. Now sit down and lean on your hands, pull your legs forward. Tilt your head in such a way that your chin is pressed against your chest. You need to bend your back so that your lower back is rounded. Now slowly lower it to the floor for 3 seconds and relax. Repeat this exercise 12 times.

If you feel pain in the lower back, therapeutic gymnastics will help ease the condition, and then get rid of it altogether.

Gymnastics for the lower back with osteochondrosis

Such a problem can arise not only in people aged, but also in youth. The main task is to strengthen the muscles to relieve the load from the spine. I propose to visually examine what the daily gymnastics for the waist should look like.

Gymnastics for the back of Bubnovsky

  1. Place on the floor and accept the position - emphasis on the knees and palms. Your task for exhalation is as much as possible to bend your back up, and on inspiration down. Try to do everything smoothly. Repeat the exercise no more than 20 times.
  2. Staying in the same position, you need to sit on your left leg, and pull the right back (half twine). Now bend over and pull your left arm forward. Your task is to move forward, changing the position of the hands and feet (left / right, right / left). Do not more than 20 repetitions.
  3. Take the position - lying on your back, bend your legs, stretch your arms along the back. You need to exhale to remove the pelvis from the floor and maximally, but smoothly, bend over, on the inspiration to descend. Do this exercise about 20 times.

Gymnastics of the lower back with a hernia

You should remember that the hernia is a consequence of long disorders in the spine. You need to develop exercises that will be right for you, and will not cause any painful sensations. Remember that the gymnastics for the waist with a hernia should not consist of exercises in which it is necessary to twist the trunk or jump.