Postoperative period after removal of the uterus

Hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus - a serious intrusion into the female reproductive system, after which the body faces the need for a long and difficult recovery. This type of intervention is in second place in the frequency of distribution among "female" operations.

Uterus can be removed if there is a malignant tumor in it, with endometriosis , benign tumors, with its prolapse. The operation helps a woman get rid of pain, displacement of internal organs, breakthrough bleeding.

The uterus can be removed abdominally, vaginally and with laparoscopy.

Recovery period after removal of the uterus

The duration of the recovery period immediately after the operation for the removal of the uterus is 1-2 weeks. This is the so-called early postoperative period.

At this time the main tasks are:

In addition to anaesthetics right after the operation, a woman can be prescribed antibacterial drugs, as well as restorative drugs, as needed.

Every day special post-operative sutures are treated with special disinfectant solutions.

In addition, in the early recovery period, it is necessary to remember the danger of developing such a postoperative complication, as internal or external bleeding. Therefore, any changes in her condition, discharge from the vagina, the woman should inform the doctor who is watching her.

Rehabilitation period after removal of the uterus

The period of rehabilitation after removal of the uterus takes much longer and lasts until the woman with the removed uterus is fully restored.

The late postoperative period begins 1-2 weeks after the operation.

The most severe is rehabilitation after a cavitary operation. Brackets from the scar are usually taken out a week after discharge from the hospital.

The uterus can also be removed by the vaginal route, but only if it is small in size and in the absence of oncology. This type of surgery can cause various complications.

The most reliable method - laparoscopic removal, has a minimum of consequences and complications.

After removal of the most important female body, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, which will help a woman to smooth problems when entering a "new" life.

Removal of the uterus causes a sharp malfunction in the hormonal background. If you do not apply any treatment, then hormonal fluctuations can last for several years and cause a woman a lot of problems. Therefore, for their prevention the doctor appoints the patient with the removed uterus hormonal means.

Great importance in restoring the health status of women and her return to normal sexual life has a positive psychological attitude. A woman should understand that after the removal of the uterus, she does not cease to be a woman and at the end of the recovery period, she can return to the same life that she had lived before the operation.

To monitor the state of health is necessary throughout the recovery period to prevent complications, such as bleeding, thrombosis, infection. The woman should also monitor the body temperature (a slight increase is a variant of the norm), the appearance of painful sensations, nausea.