With increased sugar

The normal blood sugar content is 3.5-5.5 mmol / l, but already at 3.8 mmol the attending physician will hint to you that carbohydrates should be more careful. With a double result of 7 and above, mmol is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.

Throughout the day the blood glucose level changes and the cause is obvious - the process of digestion. Sugar gets into the blood, then it neutralizes insulin, it all turns into energy and is spent on the needs of the body. Bad - this is when the sugar level is not normalized and remains high.

Diet with increased sugar - this is the principle of nutrition for life. If several tests show a positive trend in a row, you have a risk of getting yourself diabetically . To prevent this, you do not need to despair (stress also increases the level of glucose), to understand what happens in our body when food gets.

From what raises sugar?

The principle of carbohydrate metabolism is simple - we eat, blood glucose levels rise, pancreas secretes insulin to bind this sugar and use it for the benefit of the body. Increased sugar levels are observed with insulin resistance - your tissues simply do not perceive it, and sugar does not bind. As a result, the pancreas releases more and more insulin, desperately trying to put in order carbohydrate metabolism. And the sensitivity to this enzyme is rapidly falling.

Resistance occurs either with congenital pathologies of the pancreas, or from the fact that you regularly overloaded it - feasts, alcohol, constant eating of sweet.

Now, when you understand where the elevated blood sugar comes from, we proceed to a diet.


The main principle of a diet at an elevated level of sugar is to abandon easily digestible products:

These products are easily digested, quickly saturated (which we greatly appreciate), and force the pancreas to "slave" labor - just that she was at rest, not suspecting that sugar would rise. Now, after discovering a sudden surge of glucose, she will have to pour insulin into the streams.

But for a diet with high sugar we have a lot of delicious foods.

Products of animal origin (portion in grams):

Vegetable products

As for this food group, vegetables and greens can be eaten without restrictions. They contain slow carbohydrates, which are gradually absorbed by the body. This rule does not apply to potatoes and beets - these are "sweet" vegetables, they should not be abused, and even less to consume french fries.

Cereals and bread

You have every right to 300 grams of bread a day, but the bread should be whole grains, rye, wholemeal flour, low glycemic index (now it is written on the labels) and, preferably, with bran.

Cereals are a source of useful carbohydrates , which you should not give up. An exception should be made only to the mango - it is cleared of all useful groats rather resembles porridge from the flour of the highest grade.

High sugar and pregnancy

If during pregnancy you have first discovered an increased level of insulin - you have gestational diabetes. Diet in the case of increased sugar in pregnancy does not differ from the usual diet of those who want to reduce glucose in the blood. but you should be aware of the risks of your situation:

In any case, the causes of gestational diabetes is that the pancreas does not cope with its work, which means, most likely, you used to wear it pretty early.