Bubnovsky - exercises for the spine at home

Dr. Bubnovsky created a set of exercises that allows you to get rid of diseases of the spine and joints. He is uncomplicated and everyone can do it at home. The doctor says that with the regular execution of the complex, you can get rid of osteoarthritis , hernia, rheumatoid arthritis and other problems.

Complex exercises for the spine of Bubnovsky

Many people suffering from problems with the spine and joints, exclude additional physical exertion, but this does not apply to the gymnastics offered by Bubnovsky, since it is sparing. After a few procedures, pain and spasms will disappear. In addition, the muscle tone will increase.

Exercises Bubnovsky for the spine at home:

  1. The first exercise is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the back, and to perform it, stand on all fours, taking emphasis on the knees and palms. It is necessary to relax, and then, exhaling, slowly bend in the back, and then, breathing in, make a deflection.
  2. Back stretching is included in the list of Bubnovsky's three main exercises for the spine, because it helps the vertebrae to take the right position. IP is identical to the first exercise, but only the hands should be bent at the elbows. When inhaling, tilt the body down to the floor, and exhale, sit on the heels of the buttocks. If everything is done correctly, then there will be a stretching in the lumbar region.
  3. The next exercise is called "Bleeding" and for its implementation the starting position remains the same. The challenge is to pull the body as far forward as possible. It is important to keep your back in a level position, without bending in the lower back.
  4. LBK for Bubnovsky for the spine also includes a stretching step. Slowly sit on the knee bent in the knee, while the right leg should be pulled back. At the end point of stretching, it is necessary to exhale. It is important to do everything gradually, because there may be a sharp pain.
  5. For the next exercise, sit on your back, and stretch your arms along the body. Exhaling, hands should be pushed up the buttocks, and after fixation, inhaling, return to the FE.
  6. For the treatment of the spine, it is necessary to perform Dr. Bubnovsky's exercise aimed at stretching the abdomen. IP - sit on your back, fixing your hands behind your head, and bending your knees. Chin fix on chest, and then, on exhalation bend the body, pulling the elbows to the knees. Repeat the exercise until there is a feeling of tingling in the muscles of the press.
  7. It is recommended to supplement the workout with pulling by the hands, for which it is necessary to take a rubber bandage or a loop. Stand on the bandage with your feet, put your feet, put them at shoulder level, and keep the ends in your hands. The task is to raise your hands above your head.
  8. Gymnastics for the spine of Dr. Bubnovsky includes the exercise "Swallow". To take the original position, you need to sit on the floor on your stomach. The task - inhaling, raise arms and legs, and on exhalation take PI.
  9. To do this exercise, you need to sit on your back, stretching your arms along the body, but your feet should be placed at shoulder level. The task - pull your toes at first one, and then, the other hand.
  10. Sit on your back, bending your knees, and your arms apart, pointing your palms down. Task - lower the leg, the inside of the thigh. Do the exercise alternately, then one, then the other leg.
  11. Lying on your back, start alternately compress the pollen of your legs, and then, spread them to the maximum. You can also rotate the feet in turn.