A child has a barking cough without fever

Coughing of the baby always worries the parents, as they are a sign of malfunctions in the child's body. And if the child has a barking cough, but without the temperature, then it's time to get lost, since it does not look like an ordinary SARS. Let's find out what can cause such a state, and what methods of help exist.

Common causes of dry barking cough in a child without fever

Barking cough means the one that happens without the appearance of sputum. That is, as there are no such wheezing in the chest, and the baby is irritated by the cough center, because of which there is a paroxysmal rough cough.

The fact that a strong barking cough in a child is without temperature does not indicate that this is not a problem. He can talk about various violations:

In addition to the above reasons, to cause a rare barking cough in a child without temperature can simply dry and dusty air in the room. This is most often observed in the winter, when the batteries are hot and the moisture content in the air necessary for the normal functioning of the respiratory system falls to a critical level.

Treatment for a child barking cough without fever

  1. When suddenly a child has a barking cough without a fever at night, this frightens parents very much. But do not panic, because the baby needs help, not fear in the eyes of adults. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, as this can be an attack of diphtheria, which in children can end very badly.
  2. You should know that the true croup can be at any age, but the false, that is laryngospasm, is typical for children under 5 years old. In any case, to stop the attack, the child should breathe the moist air, for example, having turned off the hot water tap in the bathroom, but it is even better if there is a nebulizer nearby.

  3. For whooping cough is characterized by barking cough, accompanied by spasms. The baby coughs on one note and he does not have time to breathe. These seizures are more characteristic of the night. Treatment of the disease for a long time, with the appointment of an antibiotic, antitussive drugs and strict observance of air parameters - humidity, temperature, lack of dust.
  4. An allergic cough, especially near the source of the problem, can be dry, barking and nauseating. If you do not provide adequate therapy and do not establish a source, it will eventually develop into a chronic one, while changing the structure of the lung tissue. To suppress it, the child should be given Suprastin, Desloratadine, Zodak and similar antihistamines.
  5. Nervous shock, both significant and small (according to the parents) can provoke a cough, which is not permanent, but occurs from time to time. If you suspect a neurological nature of a cough, you should consult a pediatric neurologist.
  6. Rare enough, but still taking place in pediatrics, can become a constant barking cough, which has no apparent cause and is not accompanied by temperature. Such a baby should be examined, and an ultrasound should be performed, on which a cyst can be found in the lumen of the glottis, which is an obstacle to normal breathing and causes coughing.
  7. If the child suddenly coughs, and while it is obviously hard to breathe in and out, if the face has turned pale or has a bluish tinge, then maybe he choked on food or an alien object.

The injured person urgently needs qualified medical care. Before this, you can try to hold the baby upside down over the bathroom, and at this time the assistant should rub the chest and back with the edge of the palm. Often an alien object, especially heavy with such a procedure falls out, as evidenced by the sonorous sound of the bathroom wall.