Where is the most vitamin C?

Almost all the terrestrial fauna has a function of self-synthesis of ascorbic acid. That's why beginning dog breeders are often surprised why the dog can only be fed with meat with porridge (and believe me, even just meat) and she does not suffer from avitaminosis. And since childhood we have been hammered into the head that for some reason it is necessary to eat salads not from the most delicious foods in the world - vegetables.

That's right! Man - this is an amazing and unique representative of the fauna, whose body needs to consume vitamin C with food, because we do not synthesize it at all. That is why, especially in winter, the question of where the most vitamin C is significantly exacerbated. By the way, our winter vitamin supplements are very useful for pharmacists: according to statistics, in winter pharmacies sell twice as much to the pain of ascorbic as we know, and during epidemics this number is multiplied several times more.


But still, before proceeding to the list of foods where there is a lot of vitamin C, let's say a few words about its benefits. After all, to the fact that vitamin C is useful, we are so used to not even think about what, in fact, its greatness.

Ascorbic acid improves the functioning of the nervous system, favorably affects the endocrine system, improves hematopoiesis, since it assists in the assimilation of iron. Of course, the main function of ascorbic in enhancing the effect of immunity . Vitamin C is especially useful for the elderly, sportsmen, women, as it is a strong antioxidant, it prevents the oxidation of the human body, that is, does not allow us to wear out.

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Despite the fact that our favorite vitamin from childhood is really useful, its overdoses can cause problems with the liver and pancreas. And in order to prevent overdoses, it should be consumed from natural foods, and not yellowish balls from the pharmacy.

So, our atypical list of where contains a lot of vitamin C (do without lemon):

  1. Cabbage is the best source of vitamin C in the winter, if only because it contains this vitamin in the most invulnerable form, preserving even with heat treatment. Of course, the best options for "vitamin cabbage" are salads from raw cabbage and sauerkraut. In addition to ascorbic acid, cabbage contains useful enzymes, sugar, vitamins A, B, R, K, U.
  2. Spinach - the highest content of vitamin C in spinach in winter. In addition to vitamin C, it also contains a lot of carotene and iron.
  3. Green onions , and strangely enough, it is his green shoots, and not vigorous bulbs will serve as the most urgent savior from beriberi in spring. Green feathers contain carotene, magnesium, zinc, fluorine, sulfur, potassium . By the way, it is the sulfur that gives it a characteristic smell.
  4. Kiwi - from fruit to the content of vitamin C, it is this berry that leads, and it is so unfairly forgotten to put it on lists and place long before the lemon. Kiwi is useful to eat with skin - it's natural dietary fiber, which the body does not digest, swells in the stomach and is taken out of the stomach all undigested wastes, products of decay and putrefaction.
  5. Bulgarian pepper (red) is generally a storehouse of everything that even the most sophisticated pharmacist in the world can not accommodate in a single vitamin complex. In addition to 500 mg of vitamin C (five times the daily norm), it contains capsaicin (the best cancer prevention), sugar alkaloids, essential oils, vitamins P, B1 and B2, carotene.
  6. Finally, an orange - a medium-sized fruit covers our daily requirement for vitamin C, so, as you can see, it's much more pleasant and easier to eat one orange every day than counting the dosage in the "ascorbic" eaten.