How to increase the fat content of breast milk?

After the joy of the birth of a baby, young mothers are subject to various concerns, including breastfeeding. More often than not, their experiences relate to whether the fat content of breast milk is sufficient for a full meal of crumbs. Moreover, during the expression, some mothers notice that their breast milk is just like water. And in order to understand whether there is a reason for experiencing, you must answer a few very important questions.

Why is breast milk not fatty?

Breast milk can be conditionally divided into "front" and "back". "Front" milk contains up to 90% water, and "back" has the most greasy consistency. At the beginning of feeding the baby consumes "front" breast milk, he meets his need for fluids. "Back" milk when feeding begins to act in fact to its end. It should be noted that when you express only the "front" milk, that's why many mothers worry that they do not have fat breast milk.

As a consequence, they begin to look for a solution to the problem of "how to make breast milk fatter". And for the most part they spend their efforts in vain, because it's so genetically arranged that the baby's milk for his full development is perfectly suited to his mother's breast milk.

How to check the fat content of breast milk?

The first step in solving this problem is usually to find information on how to recognize the fat content of breast milk. According to many experts in the field of breastfeeding, there is still no solution to this issue. The specificity of the process of breastfeeding is that even during a single feeding the composition of breast milk can vary several times. In this regard, none, even the most modern laboratory, will not be able to check breast milk for fat content.

All recommendations for determining the fat content of milk, its sufficiency for full-fledged feeding of the child are reduced to such indicators as stable weight gain to the baby, his well-being and mood.

Very often it happens that the problems with insufficient weight gain of the mother's child are associated with the fat content of the milk. In fact, there may be many other reasons:

In order to understand the real problem of insufficient fat content of breast milk, it is necessary to contact a breastfeeding specialist for advice.

How to improve the fat content of breast milk?

To breast milk was fatter, a young mother should adhere to a certain diet, recommended by doctors during lactation. Its foundation is based on the principles of healthy eating, because a tiny man is difficult to cope with the "adult" food. And everything that the mother consumes, the child feeds on it after breastfeeding.

Still, how to make breast milk fat? To do this, it is necessary to include in your daily diet cereals, vegetables and fruits. Do not forget also about calcium, which is contained in cow's milk, cottage cheese, fish, beans, greens. All these products are best suited for increasing the fat content of breast milk.

Among the popular recipes for increasing the fat content of breast milk is very often offered walnut. The fact that the walnut increases the fat content of milk, we will not dispute. But at the same time, it is quite an intense product, capable of causing allergic reactions in the child. Therefore, with the experiments of traditional medicine, it is recommended to be more careful.

There are a lot of wrong opinions about the question "how to increase the fat content of breast milk." Moms in their good motives often make vain efforts. Do not yourself solve the problem of increasing the fat content of breast milk. Here is just the case that fatter does not mean better for the child.