Running is good and bad

We, of course, are all equal and equally "human", but the physiology of each of us still has individual outlines. For example, running: someone in the morning with a full supply of strength and vigor under a cold shower and a run, and another, an athlete to the bone, and can not imagine how in the morning any activity is possible at all. The same thing happens the other way round - someone is easier after a working fatigue for a run, and someone is already yawning with might and main. In this case, both examples can be really athletic people.

The benefits and harms of running are told a lot, basically, it's about when it's "useful" to run. Do not find such a harsh response for rudeness - running is always useful, if you do not have contraindications. That's how the doctor would answer you.

Morning Running

Most of the opponents have jogs in the morning. And this is understandable, because the ratio of "owls" and "larks" plays into the hands of the first. For them, the benefit or harm is the morning run - not even a question. It's "obvious" that the body is not ready for exercise in the morning, after waking up, you need to have breakfast, drink coffee , "wake up" all the organs. And for them personally, it is really harmful, because physiologically for these people every extra minute that was spent in bed in the morning is important.

But the "lark" will say that the morning is the only time when a person belongs to himself until those who exploit him wake up. It's enough just to wake up a bit earlier and you already have time for a run-what could be better?

Evening Running

The fact that the benefit or harm of the evening run is arguing much less. For "owls" it is useful, because it is in the vicinity of 8 hours that their body is relaxed and ready for work. For "larks" - is harmful, because their physiological activity has declined, which means that breathing , blood circulation, and muscle work will be more sluggish than in the morning.

That is, everything is very relative. That someone is useful, the other is harmful. The main thing is to feel and run when your body wants it.