What can you eat for breakfast?

Morning meal, in fact, is the most important. Very often it happens that in a hurry, you can not eat normally. In order to eat properly, you need to learn about what you can eat for breakfast.

What can I eat for breakfast with a diet?

Nutritionists say that breakfast can not be postponed until later, even if you do not want to eat or not have enough time. Breakfast should be tasty and easy, but at the same time useful.

Ideal for breakfast:

  1. Chicken eggs - British scientists believe that eggs are a useful and satisfying product. Thanks to them, you can keep mental and physical activity for a long time. From eggs, you can easily make an omelet or eggs.
  2. Kashi - the most useful cereals are whole grains. They help to get rid of cardiovascular diseases, and also contain vitamins and minerals. For breakfast, you can cook buckwheat or oat porridge with bran.
  3. Cottage cheese - in the morning, cottage cheese with a fat content of 1.8% is best, it can be eaten with berries or some jelly. For easy digestion, only 200 grams of the product is enough.
  4. Yogurt - it goes, of course, only about natural yoghurts. In shops now such yoghurts to find very difficultly, therefore it is possible to prepare it independently.
  5. Rye bread - it is rich in mineral salts, fiber, vitamins and other useful substances. You can add a piece of protein cheese to it.

How much can you eat for breakfast?

In order for breakfast to be useful and satisfying, one should use those foods that do not overload the gastrointestinal tract, but provide energy to the body for the first half of the day. The recommended caloric content of the diet is approximately 350-400 kcal.

It is very important to remember that nutrition should be balanced and useful, so it is worth choosing natural products and making sure that the diet contains proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.