Than to treat a bronchitis at the child?

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children - a very common phenomenon. There are many reasons for this - from weak immunity and damp legs, to allergic diseases and unsatisfactory living conditions. One way or another, it is necessary to fight this disease from the first days, so as not to cause complications.

How can you treat bronchitis in young children?

For older children, the range of drugs used is always broader than for babies. And if there was a bronchitis in a one-year-old child, it's not always clear what can be treated.

In this disease, as a rule, all the same medicines are used as for the treatment of more adult children, but in a lower dosage. This is all familiar Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Broncholitin, as well as inhalation with Berodual, Ventolin and saline.

In addition to medicines that have a major effect on the disease, no less important value should be betrayed to the child's lifestyle. Fresh moist air, which is achieved by regular airing and moistening, must be a prerequisite for recovery.

Than to treat acute bronchitis in children?

Most often the child falls ill with an acute form of bronchitis, which is accompanied by fever, shortness of breath, shortness of breath and a severe cough. At first, breathing is hard and the parents' task is to make the baby begin to clear his throat.

To moisturize dry cough appoint all kinds of syrups that contain the active substance Ambroxol - Lazolvan, Ambrobene, etc. In addition, the child will need a lot of warm drinking, and moisturizing inhalations are also desirable with a nebulizer filled with mineral water.

From the temperature, children are prescribed Panadol, Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen in suspension or candles. These preparations should be given when the thermometer approaches the 38.5 ° C mark. If the heat drops, then there is no need to keep the baby in bed. The disease lasts an average of 2-3 weeks. As soon as the acute phase passes, the child is recommended short walks in the fresh air.

Not all parents know how to treat chronic bronchitis in a child, when the disease is repeated again and again. Preparations that were prescribed earlier become ineffective. In this case, you should protect your baby from colds and create favorable conditions in your home: moistened air, the absence of dust and allergens, and also accustom it to charging and cool air in the room.

How to treat viral bronchitis in children?

The nature of bronchitis is always always of viral origin. And only if the treatment was not performed or was chosen incorrectly, after 5 days, we can talk about complications in the form of a bacterial secondary infection. It is treated with antibiotics after preliminary blood tests.

For the treatment of viral bronchitis, in addition to cough suppressants, antiviral drugs such as Viferon, Interferon, Nasoferon will be required. But their use is advisable only in the first two days from the onset of the disease. The sooner they start taking them, the more effective they are.

Than to treat an obstructive bronchitis at children?

Often ill children can have an obstruction - an obstruction of the bronchi, when the mucus can not go outside. This is accompanied by bloating of the chest, gurgling breathing and often temperature.

To help the child cope with this condition, in addition to expectorants (Broncholitin) use inhalations with hormone-based drugs that dilate the lumen of the bronchi. They are Salbutamol, Ventolin, Berodual, and the like. In addition, it is necessary to regularly moisturize the respiratory tract with a nebulizer with Borjomi.

Than to treat an allergic bronchitis at children?

Allergies cause bronchial edema and the situation often resembles obstruction. Therefore, for treatment, similar drugs are used, and besides this, antihistamines are added to them, which remove the swelling of the bronchial mucosa and larynx.