Tomatoes - diseases and pests

When planning the planting of vegetable crops on the site, pay attention to what plants grew in this place last year, whether the fruits you grew were healthy. Such an account will help you to correct the landing: if earlier on this place vegetables suffered from pests or diseases, it is necessary to break beds with this crop in another sector of the garden plot.

Diseases of tomatoes, hitting beautiful and healthy vegetables, destroy part of the crop. Symptomatology of diseases is different, so let's try to figure out which diseases affect planting more often, and how to fight the pests of tomatoes.

Septoria of tomatoes

Septoria of tomatoes (white spotting) - fungal disease usually occurs in areas with excessive moisture. The disease is manifested by the appearance of brown spots, then they become whitish with a dark border. The early varieties of tomatoes are more prone to infection. Signs of septoriosis are sometimes noticeable on newly appeared fruits: individual leaves and entire bushes twist and die.

Late blight of tomatoes

The disease of late blight affects the tomatoes leaves, stems and fruits. Sometimes the fruit drastically softens and rot. The appearance of the disease is influenced by sharp temperature changes and too frequent planting of the vegetable.

Black leg of tomatoes

The black leg is also a fungal disease, the signs of which are manifested in the darkening of the root part of the plant and its gradual withering.

Treatment of tomatoes

All the aforementioned lesions have a fungal etiology, and therefore the methods of fighting them are similar.

  1. In the presence of any fungal disease in the affected area is not recommended 3 years to plant this culture (and also potatoes and eggplant).
  2. In the fall they spend deep plowing of the land and destroy bushes and roots.
  3. 2 weeks before planting in the soil, seedlings are treated with fungicides. During the growing season, the soil is treated every 14 days.
  4. When a single affected bush appears, it is pulled and destroyed. In case of significant damage, the plants are treated with fungicides according to the instructions.

Brown spot

If previous diseases affect both greenhouse plants and plants grown in the open ground, then the brown spot refers to pests of tomatoes in the greenhouse . On the underside of the leaves of infected plants appear brown spots with a whitish coating. At high humidity, at a low temperature at night and watering with cold water, spores affect the vegetable culture. At signs of the disease, it is necessary to stop watering and reduce the humidity of the air, sprinkle tomatoes with a solution of copper sulfate or colloidal sulfur. In the greenhouse the land after harvesting vegetables is recommended to be treated with boiling water or (if the hothouse structure is small), bake the soil in the oven.

Nematode tomatoes

Very often, plantings suffer from invasion - infection by parasitic worms. These pests of tomato seedlings are introduced into the rootlets of the plant and, unlimitedly multiplying, take nutritious juices from the garden crop. Tomatoes lag behind in growth, leaves wither and turn yellow. With a strong infection, the plants die. To fight the nematode in the fall, all the roots and leaves are excavated, and the soil is treated with eco-pesticides: infusion of onion husks, garlic or celandine.

Fret cracking

Dachniki often complain that the beautiful fruits of tomatoes suddenly start to crack, because of what the marketable appearance of the vegetable is lost, and the shelf life is shortened. But the diseases and pests of tomato seedlings have nothing to do with it! This physiological phenomenon is associated with a sudden change in soil moisture: in a drought, the plant is watered with a considerable amount of water at a time. It is better to water the planting of vegetable culture little by little and several times a day.

According to the testimony of experienced truck farmers, the plant-hybrids are least susceptible to disease and pest damage. Take note of this advice when choosing tomato varieties!