How to bring down the temperature without medication?

Many people in a situation when the temperature rises, try to make it so as to lower it sooner - they take various medications, in the instructions of which the pharmacists guarantee that the heat will be removed by hand as early as after some half an hour. And often a person receiving this information, rather hurry to take pills, forgetting about the section of contraindications or side effects. He thinks little about the harm to the body. However, there are cases of very high temperature, when these tablets need to be taken, but they are not at hand. In these cases advice will be useful, how to bring down the temperature by popular means.

Why does not the temperature get off?

To understand why the temperature does not get off, you need to first know why it rises.

Temperature is always a protective reaction of the body. It can rise because of bacteria that have penetrated into the body - the immune cells begin to be actively developed and the body starts a program to create such conditions that microbes were uncomfortable to live. Also, the temperature can rise due to minor inflammations, and the body thus warns the person that it has problems that need to be corrected. As a rule, in this case the subfebrile temperature is kept - about 37.

Another reason why temperature can rise is a failure in the nervous system. Constant stress can give a temperature of 37, which rises only in the evening. Similarly, the situation may appear with hormonal failure and thyroid problems, since in this case the pituitary gland that regulates the temperature is involved.

Now we will find out why the temperature does not get off:

  1. Do not lose subfebrile temperature. If the temperature does not go down 37, then most often the cause of this is either a nervous breakdown, or a pituitary tumor, or a violation in the hormonal sphere. Many antipyretics do not affect the mechanisms that regulate these areas, and therefore the temperature may not subside. Also, the cause of this can be inflammation due to exacerbation of a chronic throat disease.
  2. Do not get bogged down by high temperature. If the temperature does not get off 39, then it means that the body does not cope with microbes and tries to destroy them, at any cost, if not to speak with medical terms. In these cases, you need to call an ambulance, because the temperature control center may be damaged. In a number of diseases, the temperature 39 lasts for several days, and then it falls off.

How to knock down the temperature by popular methods?

Among folk methods of knocking down the temperature there are several. They are quite simple:

  1. Removal of extra clothes. Clothing helps to keep heat, and at elevated temperature it becomes an additional warming factor. To understand the temperature by 0.5 degrees, remove warm clothes and clean the blanket.
  2. Compresses. Compresses on warm water should be applied to the liver area, inguinal folds, occiput and armpits. These areas intensively heat up when the temperature rises, and therefore, after cooling them, you can remove the temperature a little.
  3. Wiping. Wipe the body with a wet towel moistened with warm water. The water temperature is very important here - if it is cold, the body will try to warm up even more, and this will cause a temperature increase. For the same reason, the use of alcohol and vinegar is undesirable.
  4. Drink. At elevated temperature, drink as much liquid as possible. It can be ordinary water or herbal tea with honey (warm or hot).
  5. Products. There are products that have an anti-inflammatory effect. These are citrus fruits, and therefore during the illness you should try to eat more. In addition, orange, lemon and grapefruit contain a lot of vitamin C.
  6. Airing. Ventilating the room helps not only to get rid of the bacteria in the room, but also to cool the body a little.