Frequent urge to urinate

Many people are constantly tormented by frequent urge to urinate. This causes not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Frequent urination is considered if it occurs more than 10 times a day. Especially painful to wake up at night, because it does not allow a person to get a normal sleep. With what can such a state be connected?

Causes of frequent urination

All causes can be divided into three groups of factors that cause rapid urination.

  1. Increased urine formation.
  2. Dysfunction of the bladder.
  3. Urinary incontinence.

What are the symptoms of frequent urge to urinate?

It is worth paying attention if you visit the toilet 8-10 times a day or more, and at night get up 1-2 times. In addition to the irresistible urge to empty the urinary tract, you may also experience pain and burning during or after urination, soreness in the lumbar region, urinary incontinence, or a lack of urine.

Not always very frequent urge to urinate testify to the disease. If they are not accompanied by any other symptoms, do not cause psychological discomfort in a person and are not always, then this condition does not require treatment. Most often this disease happens because of increased urine formation.

Causes of increased urine production

To such it is possible to carry:

Why often urge to urinate mostly women?

It is believed that this is due to the physiology of the female body and the hormonal background. Some hormones cause irritation of the bladder. Their level can change during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Sometimes the frequent urge to urinate at night is in women in old age. and it is connected with disturbances in the work of the central nervous system. It is also often found during pregnancy, when the uterus presses on the bladder and constantly creates a feeling of fullness. The cause of frequent urination urination in women can also be stress, anxiety and anxiety. All these cases do not require special treatment, and such violations go on themselves.

But if for no apparent reason you have an irresistible desire to go to the toilet, burning and pain with urination , a small amount of urine and other unpleasant symptoms - this means the condition is caused by an inflammatory process. Most often, it is caused by cystitis. It is necessary to visit a doctor in order to correctly diagnose.

Treatment of frequent urge to urinate

Depends on the cause of this condition. If it is caused by an inflammatory process or diabetes, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. With cystitis and pyelonephritis, antibiotic therapy is carried out, and spasmolytic drugs are taken, and diabetics need to closely monitor blood sugar levels. Do not cut the amount of liquid so that there is no dehydration.

If the frequent urge to urinate is caused by hormonal or psychological disorders, the methods of treatment are different:

  1. It is necessary to control food and exclude from the diet all products that irritate the bladder: coffee, chocolate, spices, tea and alcohol.
  2. Take care that you do not have constipation, for this, eat more foods that contain fiber.
  3. Do not drink a lot of fluids before bed.
  4. Do Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.