Blanks of plum

A good harvest of vegetables and fruits pleases everyone, but what to do when it is too big? You can try to eat everything at once, but you can make them blanks for the winter. Here's how to twist the plums and will be discussed in our today's material.

Compote of plums for the winter

One of the most popular blanks for the winter from the plum is compote. There are several ways to twist it: you can make a compote from a sink with a regular syrup, so twist the plum with a syrup of fruit juice.

1. To twist the usual compote from the plum you need the berries themselves, preferably slightly unripe, water and sugar. The proportions for the syrup are 1/2 cup of sugar per 1 glass of water.

Plums and pierce in several places with a needle. For a few minutes we lower the plums in hot (85 ° C) water - this will help the plums stay intact during sterilization. Next, cook a thick sugar syrup. In pre-sterilized jars, lay out the sink and fill it with syrup. Covered with lids, the cans are sterilized in boiling water. The time of sterilization is determined depending on the volume of the can: 0.5 liters - 10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes, 3 liters - 25 minutes. The rolled cans with canned plums are cooled, putting upside down.

2. If the usual compote of plums is boring, try making canned plums on a recipe using apple juice as a syrup.

For this workpiece from the sinks you need 1 kg of plums and 5 kg of apples. Apples are cleaned from the core and peel and let through the juicer. We leave the juice in a non-oxidizing container. From the washed plums, remove the stone, fill it with water and bring it to a boil. Next, the water is drained, and the plums are cooled and spread over sterile jars. Fill plum with apple juice, and roll the cans.

Plums with stuffing

But it is completely erroneous to believe that plums are suitable only for jam or compote, because of them you can make other wonderful preparations. For example, try making plums with a pepper filling.

You will need red, sweet and bitter pepper, salt and plums. Plums mine and gently remove the bones. Pepper cut into small pieces and a little salt. We fill the plums carefully with vegetables, trying to preserve the appearance of the plum.

At the bottom of the canisters we lay the leaves of black currant, cherry, horseradish, clove of garlic and bay leaves. We lay the plums to the middle of the jar, on top put a few twigs of fresh mint and put the plums to the top of the jar. We fill the marinade, not up to the top of the jar. For marinade, we dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of boiling water.

We prepare the fill. To do this, mix a tablespoon of sugar, 3 tablespoons of vinegar and bring to a boil. Add to the filling by a pinch of ground cinnamon and cloves and pour the liquid into the jars. We close the jars with lids.

Plums with greens

Twist from the plums are diverse and lovers of greenery will appreciate this way of harvesting.

It will take plum, dill, parsley, mint, celery, pepper (sweet, green, Bulgarian, bitter), garlic.

At the bottom of the jar we put leaves of cherry, horseradish and black currant, a little dry dill, bay leaf and black pepper peas. Grind and pepper shred, salt and mix. In the banks we put plums, we cover with greens and vegetables, then again a layer of plums and greens. We make marinade, for this we breed salt in boiling water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) and add wine vinegar (4 tablespoons to 3 liters jar). Bring the mixture to a boil and pour the plums with the marinade. We close the jars with a lid (we do not need to sterilize), we cool it and send it for storage.

Relish from plum

How else can you preserve the plums? Try to roll a plum not as an independent preparation, but as a part of the seasoning, which is suitable for meat, fish and vegetables.

On a bucket (10 liters) of plums you need 800 grams of sugar, 1/2 kg of garlic and 200 grams of Adzhika.

Plums mine, remove the stone and add a little water, put a small fire. We steam until the plums become soft. Further we wipe them through a sieve and add sugar and adzhika. Puree cook for 20 minutes and cool. Garlic crushed and added to the mashed potatoes. The resulting sauce is laid out on the banks. This sweet and sour sauce is stored in the cold.