Treatment of gonorrhea in women

Gonorrhea is a venereal disease, the causative agent of which is the gonococcus of Neisser. Most often this disease is transmitted with unprotected sexual intercourse, both vaginal and anal, less often oral.

There is also the possibility of infecting a newborn child with a sick mother with natural childbirth. It is almost impossible to get gonorrhea in domestic conditions (in public places).

Gonorrhea in women: features of the disease

The latent period of gonorrhea in women is from 5 to 10 days. However, about 50% of patients have no clinical symptoms, and the course of the disease becomes chronic.

Classic signs of female gonorrhea:

Some women may also have sore throat, fever.

To diagnose and learn how to treat gonorrhea, some symptoms of the disease are not enough. If you suspect a gonorrhea, a woman takes a swab from the vagina and diagnoses the disease with the help of bacteriological analysis.

Gonorrhea in women - treatment and drugs

Once the presence of gonococci in the body is identified and diagnosed with "gonorrhea", the treatment should be started immediately. The treatment scheme for gonorrhea in women should appoint a doctor who selects it individually. When prescribing therapy, the venereologist should take into account the form of the disease, where inflammation is localized, if there are complications and concomitant infections.

Based on the limitation period, it is possible to distinguish acute (up to 2 months) and chronic (more than 2 months) forms of gonorrhea. The basis in the treatment of the disease is antibacterial therapy, aimed at the complete disposal of gonococci. In women, gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics of the penicillin group. These include oxacillin, benzyl-penicillin, amoxicillin.

Than to treat a gonorrhea at women when stability of gonococcuses to penicillin is observed? Here already resort to a number of highly active antibiotics: biomycin, streptomycin, levomycetin, sintomycin and others. Also in the market there are also modern medicines, one-time reception of which is able to completely rid of the acute form of gonorrhea. Here are some of them: Aminoklikozid (Spectinomycin), Rocefin, Enoxacin.

In the treatment of chronic gonorrhea in women prescribed the same medications, only treatment takes a longer time. Sometimes combined therapy is used. In order to increase their own protective reactions of the body, immunotherapy, physiotherapy and so on are conducted in parallel.

Treatment of gonorrhea folk methods

Self-medication of this serious disease should not be dealt with. Treating gonorrhea at home can only supplement the intake of essential medicines. To provide an anti-inflammatory effect, you can take infusions of chamomile and horsetail, as well as birch leaves, dry juniper berries and dandelion roots.

Still it is necessary to find out, how much time the treatment of a gonorrhea at the woman takes. On average, the duration of treatment of the disease is 2-4 months. During this period, a woman should avoid sexual intercourse and alcohol use.

We can distinguish the following criteria for curing gonorrhea:

  1. Disappearance of pathogens of infection in secretions.
  2. Restoration of organs affected by gonococci.

But to talk about whether the gonorrhea can be completely cured, it should be borne in mind that changes in the affected organs completely disappear only in 20-30% of women. You should also know that resistance to repeated infection with gonorrhea is not produced by the body.