Tablets from a sore throat

Sore throat is a companion of respiratory diseases, called common colds, and therefore most people face this symptom at least once a year. Those who are prone to angina, the situation is more serious - this pain is particularly strong, and the disease itself is quite dangerous. We shall understand, what pills from a sore throat are actual at this or that disease.

Causes of sore throat

During acute respiratory infections, people complain of dryness, perspiration and burning in the throat due to pharyngitis or laryngitis. In the first case, the upper part of the posterior wall of the throat reddens - this is clearly visible in the mirror. With laryngitis, the inflammatory process affects the lower part of the pharynx and the vocal cords, because this disease is characterized by a temporary loss of voice - full or partial. Pharyngitis and laryngitis, usually accompanied by a cold and very rarely have a bacterial nature. Body temperature, as a rule, in these cases does not rise above 37.5 ° C. A plentiful warm drink brings relief to the patient. Antibiotics in the treatment of such inflammation are not effective.

But angina or tonsillitis very rarely have a viral nature. More often they are caused by streptococci and staphylococci, representing an inflammation of the palatine tonsils - they are covered with pus or just blush against the background of the non-inflamed posterior wall of the larynx. The disease is accompanied by high fever and severe pain, which does not allow the patient to swallow. In this case, antimicrobial tablets are needed from the pain of the throat and sprays with an antibiotic. Exacerbation of symptoms usually occurs in the evening.

Thus, using tablets with sore throat, it is important to know what it is caused by - the virus or bacteria, and also what is inflamed - the pharynx or tonsils.

Antiseptic tablets

In inflammation of the bacterial nature, in addition to antibiotics, prescribed for oral administration, prescribed lozenges, that is, pills against the pain in the throat, which need to dissolve.

Let's consider the most effective prearaty.


It destroys Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, Candida albicans fungi. The drug is topical in the treatment of angina, ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa with stomatitis, gingivitis.


A local antimicrobial agent effective against a wide range of bacteria is used for inflammation of the tonsils, pharynx, trachea, oral mucosa and during the postoperative period to prevent infection.


It fights with both bacteria and fungi, it is also used before and after ENT operations.


Kills streptococci, staphylococci, micrococci and corynebacteria, used to treat sore throat, pharyngitis, gingivitis, periodontal diseases.

Tablets with anesthetic

For symptomatic treatment of throat inflammation, tablets containing anesthetic are used.

Sreptsils Plus

In addition to antimicrobial components, active against staphylococci, Streptococcus, diplococcus and Candida fungi, contains lidocaine (local anesthetic).

Geksoral tabs

Contains chlorhexidine (antibacterial broad spectrum) and benzocaine (anesthetic).


Suppresses pain due to tetracaine.

Natural preparations

The minimum of synthetic components contains Ascocept (menthol, camphor, thymol, ascorbic acid), which has antimicrobial activity, increases local immunity.

If the throat hurts and bothers with severe dryness, the tablet of Islamat will help on the basis of drawing from Icelandic moss.

These drugs are also appropriate for a common cold (SARS). It should be noted that pills for the treatment of sore throat caused by the virus, does not exist yet. All mentioned means only relieve symptoms, but do not kill the pathogen.